Chapter 34

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"Clarissa Morgenstern." The inquisitors voice was deep and angry. Clary stood up from where she was sitting in the ground. The Inquisitor stood in front of her cell, with an armed guard in either side of him.

"Inquisitor, always a pleasure." Clary spoke with her most cheerful voice as she greeted him. The Inquisitors only response was a sneer.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" Clary's voice had taken a mocking edge as she gestured to the barren cell.

"I am here to bring you back to the meeting hall." The Inquisitor seemed mildly bold as the 2 armed men pushed their way into her cell and pushed her against the concrete wall. Clary grit her teeth but didn't say anything as the men placed the burning ropes around her wrists again.

As they pulled her down the hall, Clary wondered what they could possible need her for. They already had most of the info that they needed from her so there was no reason for her to be brought back to the meeting hall.

As the shadow hunter guards shoved open the doors to the meeting hall, Clary almost had to cover her ears at the sound. The shadow hunters all seemed to have something to say. Some cheered, while others yelled in protest. But once the Inquisitor stepped onto the stage, everything went silent.

"Shadow hunters, i know that we don't all agree on this topic but this is something that must be done. So, i formally welcome you to the execution of Clarissa Morgenstern." Even though the Inquisitor was addressing the crowd, his eyes bore straight into Clary's.

Clary couldn't help but fight. She began to struggle to get free from the shadow hunters guards vice grips. Eventually she stopped struggling and stayed still. Lucifer or Micheal would help her, all she needed to do was get to her necklace which, by some miracle, was still around her neck.

The crowd began to shift uneasily. They began to whisper to each other, some in excitement, some in irritation.

Clary began to twist her wrists, trying to free them. Finally, one sprung free and she reached for her necklace. The guards quickly pulled her hand back into the restrains but it was already done.

"What do you need, Clarissa?" Micheals voice bounced around her brain, so loud that Clary had to close her eyes.

"Don't let them kill me, please." Clary begged. Micheal was silent for several minutes and Clary though that he had left.

"I'm sorry Clarissa but they must kill you." Micheals voice was soft and comforting but that wasn't good enough for Clary.

"You promised me that you would help me and now your not willing to help?" Clary was silently fuming.

"I never said that i couldn't help. Once they kill you your soul will be brought here where we will keep you for a few months before returning you to the world or you can just pass on like a normal shadow hunter and remain dead." Micheal's proposition was good but Clary would prefer to not die at all.

"Ill go with the first option." Clary hissed at Micheal. Without seeing him, Clary knew that he was frowning.

"So be it, i will see you soon Clarissa." And then his presence as gone.

Suddenly the Inquistir drew pulled a sword from a belt at his waist. The blade was beautiful and she wasn't about to die, Clary would have taken more time to admire it. The Inquistor wore a sly smirk and he ran his fingers up the side of the blade.

"Any last words, traitor?"

Clary glanced around the room, trying to find a familiar face, but she saw none. She cleared her throat and herself cry.

"Tell Jace Herondale and The Lightwoods that i'm sorry. Jonathan, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but i love i you. Keep fighting and don't let my death slow you down." Clary's voice trembled and her face began to itch as the tears traced their way through the grime on her face.

"Goodbye Clarissa." For a second The Inquitor looked genuinely saddened, before pushing the blade through her chest in one quick stab.

Clary had been stabbed before, but never like this. She felt the cold metal slide through her body before exiting through her back. She let out a small breath as the pain began to register. White hot pain began to take over her body before fading suddenly.

The last thing she saw was the Inquistor's face before her eyes slid shut, trapping her in darkness once again. Only this time, the darkness wasn't temporary.

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