Chapter 8

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"Focus Clary." Jonathan encouraged from my left. Clary growled and wiped the sweat off her brow.
"Maybe we should have done this before we ended up in the middle of nowhere." She hissed under her breath.
Apparently this stone wall is entrance to this shifter civilization.
According to Jonathan Clary had to transform into her wolf form and put her paw on the wall. Jonathan wouldn't tell her why he wouldn't let her shift at home.
Jonathan rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut.
Jonathan didn't want to do this to Clary but she needed to learn how to shift.
She would probably hate him but he could be optimistic and hope that she would forgive him.
"See this is what they meant, you cant even do what's in your blood." Jonathan hissed, putting on his coldest face.
Clary looked up at him, ready to tell him that it's not nice to make jokes like that, but she staggered back after seeing his face.
"W-what?" Clary asked. Jonathan laughed coldly and sneered at her.
"You heard me." Was all he said. Clary backed away from him ready to cry.
But suddenly all of her sadness was replaced by anger. She was ready to scream at him when she felt something change.
She fell to the ground and looked up at Jonathan.
"Jonathan!" She screamed furiously but only strangled howls sounded.
She looked down in confusion, but instead of her pale feet she was met with white paws. She jumped back in confusion, trying to get away from the animal.
"Clary!" Jonathan finally said, advancing towards her slowly. Clary's head snapped up at Jonathan and she growled angrily.
Jonathan raised his hands in defeat and froze.
"Clary i'm so sorry for saying that but your change is triggered by a strong emotion. And seeing as there is no one else her i had to make you angry" he pleading despretly.
Clary closed her eyes and slowly nodded, forgiving him.
Jonathan smiled and pulled a compact mirror out of his pocket.
"Look at yourself." Jonathan said holding the mirror up to her.
In the mirror was a beautiful wolf. The wolf was white with piercing blue eyes.
She was obviously an Alpha seeing as her wolf was about 4 feet tall.
"That's you Clary, your beautiful" Jonathan sighed. She truly was beautiful, in both wolf form and human form.
Clary just rolled her eyes and huffed.
"You have to put your paw right here." Jonathan said pointing to the center of the stone wall.
Clary lifted her paw and touched the wall. They waited a few seconds and nothing happens.
Jonathan frowned, it should have worked.
"Clary give me your paw." He said pulling a thin blade out of a shoulder sheath.
Clary growled slighly and crouched, ready to fight.
Jonathan smiles slighly and rolled his eyes.
"Clary i just have to draw blood so that the wall can recognize the wolf genes in your blood." The wolf huffed and slowly offered up her paw. Jonathan placed the blade to her paw.
"On three. One, two,-" and he never made it to three. The blade sliced down on the wolves paw drawing a thin line of dark red blood.
The wolf whimpered and placed the paw on the ground.
Clary slowly limped over to wall and placed her paw on the stone wall. The wall glowed and slid apart at the middle.
Jonathan walked up to Clary and put a hand on her head.
Clary wimpered at looked up at him.
"Clary i need you to change back into a human." Jonathan said petting her silky coat. The wolf barked in respose.
Clary was still for a few seconds before the wolf diappeared and in its place was a girl.
Clary stood in the exact place the wolf was looking around wildly, fully dressed.
Her greenish- blueish eyes finally focused on Jonathans face and she smiled gently.
"Heal me now." She said quickly lifting her foot off the ground.
Jonathan smiled, pulled his stele out of his pocket and placed it against Clary's ankle.
The black lines spiraled against Clary's pale skin and the cut stiched itself back together. Jonathan looled up at Clary and kissed her ankle.
Clary blushed at the show of affection.
"Come on Jonathan we can do this at home." Clary smiled grabbing his hand and pulling him into the tunnel behind the wall.
They walked for a few moments in the dark until a man appeared in front of them.
"What buisness do you have here?"he said. Clary had expected him to have a deep voice to match his appearence but instead his voice was warm and welcoming.
Jonathan stepped forward.
"I am Jonathan and this is Clarissa. Clarissa is The Luna's sister, so therefore she should rule next to her sister." Jonathan didnt beat aroumd the bush, he said exactly what he came here to say.
The man staggared back, his mouth gapping open in suprise.
"I need some kind of confirmation." He said suspiciously.
Jonathan looked to Clary who Shifted into the beautiful white wolf.
Even the guard could tells she was an Alpha.
"O-of course, follow me." He said turning on his heel and pushing open a door behind him that Clary hadn't noticed until now.
The door opened up to a beautiful garden. There was a fountain in the middle with beds of flowers placed throughout the space.
There was a wooden bench on the left but there was a women seated on the bench.
She had waist length, straight black hair.
Her head snapped towards them when they entered their garden. Her eyes.
Her eyes were light brown with swirls of black that made you either want to drown in them or look away from them.
"Aron who are these people." She said.
Her voice was commanding and strong.
Aron cleared his throat.
"Stella these are Clarissa and her lover, Jonathan." Jonathan's head snapoed towards him.
Jonathan had never told him that him and Clarissa were together.
Stella nodded.
"And why are they here?" She asked.
Aron turned to them.
"I'll let them explain." He said stepping to the side.
Stella's eyes focused on Jonathan.
"Stella, we understand that you are the current Luna of the shifters. Clarissa has your mother's blood making her your sister and giving her a right to rule next to you." Jonathan said again getting right to the point.
Stella staggered back and looked to Aron for confirmation. The guard nodded, smiling gently.
Stella flew off the bench and stopped just in front of  Clary.
"So your my sister now." She said with a straight face. Clary nodded unsure what else to do.
Jonathan stiffled a laugh at how uncomfortable Clary was.
Clary turned to Jonathan and stuck out her tounge.
Stella laughed as Jonathan folded his arms over his chest and pouted.
"You know i've always wanted a sister." Clary said quietly to Stella.
Stella's face broke out in a smile at Clary's words.
"Me too but my parents died before they could give me one." Stella said still smiling.
She didn't sad at all at the mention of her parents.
"I've already said my goodbyes." Stella said sensing Clary's confusion.
Clary smiled gently and nodded.
"You know you look kinda like my mother. Similar eyes and she had the same hair you do." Stella said playing with one of Clary's curls.
Her eyes suddenly snapped up to Clarys, hope showing from all of her facial features.
"So would you like to rule next to me?" Stella asked.
Clary smiled and nodded.
Stella squealed and jumped around, even though she's a ruler she's still a teenage girl.
"We must put a throne next to mine." Stella said to Aron who nodded and jogged off.
"A crown too!" She called after Aron.
Clary laughed at her new sisters excitment.
"Clarissa we must leave, its urgent." Jonathan said. His panic in his voice was barely concealed but his eyes showed the true extent of the problem.
Clary nodded turning back to Stella.
"I wilk return as soon as possible sister." Clary promised before pulling her sister into a hug. Stella nodded into Clary's shoulder and pushed her towards the door.
"Go." She said gently and Clary smiled at her before grabbing Jonathan's hand and running back out the way they came.
When they reached the forest Jonathn pulled out his stele and handed it to Clary.
Clary grabbed the stele and quickly made a portal.
"The apartment." Was all Jonathan said but Clary understood.

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