Chapter 13

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"Are you sure you want that type?" Jonathan asked for the 7th time.
"It could interact with the wolf blood and potentially be fatal."
Clary rolled her eyes at Jonathan and stiffly nodded. He needed to stop worrying.
"It will be fine Jon, the warlock assured us."
Jonathan just nodded.
If this didn't go smoothly that warlock would take up a permanent residence in his favorite torture cell.
"What if-" Jonathan started but was cutt off by Clary letting out a strangled gasp.
His eyes snapped up to Clary and he let loose a feral growl.
Clary had taken the syringe full of warlock blood and shoved it into her arm.
Jonathan's face contorted in rage as she pushed down the plunger.
He wanted to kill her for making rash decisions with out thinking about the consequences.
Once the syringe was empty Clary's eyes fluttered closed and her body swayed slightly.
Jonathan watched, frozen, as the syringe dropped from Clary's hand and shattered, sending peices of metal all across the tile floor.
Clary's body swayed but remained upright. Then suddenly a moan ripped it's way out of her throat and she collapsed into a heap on the tile floor.
Jonathan rushed over to her.
It was like someone had turned on his brain again.
He ignored the fear and fury that were pressing against his mind and checked her over for any changes.
Her arms and legs were free of any damge except for the puncture point of the syringe and a few small gashes from the metal peices that covered the floor.
It seemed like Clary had sustained no serious damage until he reached her head.
A pool of red blood was quickly growing under her head.
The blood was staining her platinum hair red and for a second Jonathan hesitated.
She didn't seem to be in any pain but she was losing blood quickly.
Jonathan had too choices, he could take her to the High Warlock of Brooklyn and risk capture or he could take her to a weaker warlock and remain safe.
Jonathan slipped his arms under her and pulled her into his arms bridal style.
She was suprisingly light- too light.
He shifted her slightly so he could grab his stele.
Clary groaned and snuggled closer to Jonathan's chest. He could watch her sleep all day but the constant dripping of her blood on the floor remined him that she wasn't sleeping.
Jonathan ignored Clary's protests and shifted he to his left arm so he could draw a portal on the wall.
Once the portal was complete he dropped his stele on the floor and stepped through the portal.
He stumbled slightly as the portal spit him out in the New York institute hallway.
What is the High Warlock of Brooklyn doing in the New York Institute?
The hallway was dark but he could clearly see the endless hallway of doors that all looked identical.
He sighed and looked down the helpless girl in his arms.
Her blood continued to drip onto the dark rug in the hallway.
He would do anything she wanted, he was twisted around her finger.
Clary moaned and arched her back.
Jonathan looked down startled and started running down the hall.
As he passed each door he listened for any movement but each room was as silent as the next.
When he finally reached the training room he finally heard voices.
His hand hesitated on the double doors and he looked down at Clary.
She looked so peaceful but Jonathan knew that she was feeling anything but peaceful.
Jonathan tool a deep breath and pushed open the door on the left.
The room was only lit dimly by a few of the lights hung from the ceiling.
Angel boy, Alexander, Isabelle, and Simon stood in the center of the room with their weapon of choice hanging limply from one hand. The warlock he was looking for silently stood in a corner, watching the group intently.
None of them had noticed him enter.
"I know Jace and i'm so sorry." Isabelle was saying as Jonathan closed the door quietly behind him.
Jace hung his head and allowed Isabelle to pull her into a half hug. Jonathan stood silently, hidden by tbe shadows until Clary squirmed in his arms and groaned.
5 pairs of eyes snapped to him and the 4 weapons that were previously unused were now pointed at him.
Jonathan looked down at Clary. Her face was unusually pale.
Jonathan sighed and steeped out of the shadows.
"Jonathan Morgenstern." Jace hissed and Jonathan looked up at him.
Jace staggered as he caught sight of Jonathan's face.
Jonathan knew he didnt have his traditional mask up but he didnt think he was that see-through.
"Please help her i'll do anything." Jonathan begged, falling to his knees in front of Magnus.
Magnus caught sight of her first and rushed over.
"Magnus-"Alec warned but. Magnus waved Alec's concern away.
The shadowhunters hadnt seen Clary yet.
"Clary's hurt." Was all Magnus said to him before turning back to Jonathan with weary eyes.
"To the Infirmary." Magnus said to Jonathan.
Jonathan nodded but stood frozen.
"Promise you wont turn her into the Clave." Jonathan begged.
Magnus's eyes flickered back to Alec and the other Shadowhunters and opened his mouth but Jonathan cut him off.
"You can take me. Just let her be free." He said and Magnus's eyebrows shot up but he nodded.
Jonathan turned and ran out of the training room in the direction of the infirmary.
He reached the infirmary before anyone else and layed Clary down on a bed gently.
The blood that was still flowing from her head stained the bright white sheets crimson.
His bloody hands and shirt left smears of blood on Clary's face as he stroked her cheek.
The blood flow had slowed but her head was still bleeding.
Her skin was growing considerably paler.
Jonathan grabbed Clary's hand and sunk to his knees in front of Clary.
Tears flowed freely feom his eyes and dripped onto Clary's hand.

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