Chapter 5

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"Wait Clarissa you need a crown." The queen said as we reached the doors leading to the back of the thrown room.
Clary shook her head.
"No mother, it's fine." She said quickly. She was excited about being the princess she just didn't want to advertise it.
"Nonsense" The queen said and a small rose gold band appeared around Clary's head. The band was woven to look like it was it was 2 sticks.
The crown had little thorns on it to help it stay in her hair. It was beautiful but simple just what she wanted
"Oh it's beautiful mother" Clary sighed looking into one of the palaces many mirrors.
Jonathan smiled softly at her, his eyes betraying how beautiful he thought she looked. The queen nodded and smiled at the Jonathan's love for her daughter, which was a rare sight.
"Jonathan you will in between our throwns." She said placing a hand on the door, the gental smile vanishing from her face to be replaced by her emotionless mask.
The queen pushed the door open and suddenly Clary was on seated on her thrown. Her thrown was identical to her mothers just slightly smaller.
Jonathan stood next to my thrown, straight backed and poker faced, he was taking this very seriously and he couldn't afgord any mistakes with the queen breathing down his nack waiting for a chance to break him and Clary up. Clary stffled a laugh at how serious he looked, but a small smile managed to slip past. Jonathan's bidy went riged with shock and he disappeared, shocking Clary
"My queen" the visitors said bowing. When they straightened back up they looked at Clary in shock and she frowned, slightly confused. Clary never thought she would see them again, at least not on peaceful terms.
"Why do you bow to me but not my daughter? After all she is equally powerful as me." The queen said shocking Clary, yet again.
The queen acted as if they were equals, not a queen and a princess.
"I apologize your majesty, your highness." Inquisitor Ravenblood said the the queen then turned to me, bowing low to the ground. The counsul, Jia, followed his lead.
"May i ask my queen, what the beauty's name is?" Inquisitor Ravenblood asked, she looked to much like Clarissa Morgenstern but she couldn't be, Clarissa was a purebred Shadowhunter.
The queen opened her mouth ready to order them away but Clary cut her off.
"My name is Clarissa, Inquisitor." She said shocking everyone in the room, herself included.
The inquisitor's face turned from shock to determination.
"Clarissa Morgenstern, as your Inquisitior i order you to return to the New York Institute." The Inquisitor said fuming.
Clary fakes a look of consideration, but inside she was laughing her ass off.
"Um how about.... no." she said blankly. The inquisitor took a step back, suprised. Then he turned angry, steam was practically coming out if his ears.
"You dare-" the Inquisitor started but the Jia cut him off.
"Clarissa i dont want to hurt you but if you refuse to come with us peacefully i will have no choice to take you by force." Jia said sternly. Jia was always the nicest.
She had a daughter of her own so she had always been sympathetic of Clary's situation.
The queen was fuming.
She so angry that a shadow hunter would have the nerve to come into her kingdom and demand things if her daughter even if she was part shadowhunter.
"Get out of my kingdom or my guard's will tear you to shreds, accords or not. You have no right to come in here and demand things of my daughter, the princess." The queen said coldly and the two shadowhunter's fled the room.
As soon as they were gone Jonathan appered.
"I'm sorry about that my love but i couldn't let them see me or they would see you as a traitor." He said sheepishly, hoping she would understand.
Clary smiled lightly and nodded. She turned to her mother who was studying her face with an unexpected intensity.
"Mother can me and Jonathan head back to our house?" Clary said wishing for the comfort of her room and Jonathan's arms.
Her mother smiled gently and nodded, she only wanted the best for Clary and she hoped Jonathan could give her that.
Clary hopped of her thrown and grabbed onto Jonathan's outstreached hand. They had barely walked a few feet until the queen called after them.
"Clarissa! Wait." She said gracefully steping off her thrown. She walked up to Clary and gathered her in her arms.
Clary was still short so her head rested aginst the queen's chest.
"Be safe my dear call if you need anything. Anything at all." The queen said kissing the top of her head and letting her go.
Clary smiled warmly at the queen, she was already acting like the mother she wished Jocelyn was. She turned, grabbed Jonathan's hand and continued out of the thrown room.
The second the doors closed behind them Jonathan pulled her into a kiss.
When they broke apart they were both gasping for air. Jonathan studied her face before smiling and pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead.
"Let's go home my love."

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