Chapter 17

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Everyone seemed to be staring at the spot Clary and Jonathan disappeared at. There was no proof that the princess had ever been in the land under the hill besides the dust that stirred at everyones feet.
"It appears, Your Majesty, that the princess has left us, yet again." Jace sighed. The Queen didn't acknowledge Jace, she just stared at the spot Clary and Jonathan had disappeared.
The Queen said nothing until her shoulder's slumped and she buried her face in her hands.
"Why must the one person i love be stuck in this ever ending cycle of pain." The Queen moaned as a guard rushed over to her and helped her off her throne.
As the guard pushed her towards a hidden door behind her throne the Queen paused and turned to beckon the shocked Shadowhunters. The guard tensed but didn't protest as he pushed open the door.
The Shadowhunters looked at each other in shock before filling through the door.
Jace was the last to enter the door and as he passed through the doorway he gave the guard a frown and received a smirk in return.
The hallway was long and twisting.
The walls and floors were made of the same white, cracked marble in the throne room.
The walls were decorated with randomly placed paintings.
The ones closer to the throne room were older, with cracked paint and yellowing canvas.
While the ones furthur away were newer, with vibrant colors and more recent themes.
Suddenly the Queen stopped in front of two sets of double doors, one on either side of the hall.
She sighed and placed her hand on the doors on the left before pushing open the set of doors on the right.
She staggared over to the large bed in the center of the room that filled almost the entire bedroom.
As the Queen collapsed onto the bed servents began to scramble over but she waved them away.
"I knew this would happen, it was inevitable. He would try so hard to protect her that she would try equally as hard to gain freedom." The Queen sighed as she gazed at the dome-shaped ceiling.
The Shadowhunters all glanced at each other, The Queen was talking about Clary and Jonathan.
"My Lady, she will be all right." Alec spoke for the first time. The Queen didn't even offer a glance to Alec she just moaned and buried her face in her sheets.
"You cannot guarantee that, young shadowhunter. Even if she survives this war the Clave will kill her and Jonathan, but fear not shadowhunter once the Clave lays a hand on my daughter the downworld will revolt." The Queen laughed without amusement as she ran a hand through her red curls.
Jace glanced at Alec and Simon, who both wore similar looks of confusion.

"What do you mean, My Lady?" Jace phrased his question carefully. The Quen sighed and rolled her eyes.

"She is royalty to the entire downworld. She is the fey's princess, the Lycanthrope's Luna, the warlock's Queen and soon she will rule the night children. The angels cannot disobey her and the demons cannot revolt against her. She is meant to rule the Clave, the morning star was always meant to come out on top."
Jace glanced at the other shadowhunters. They all seemed shocked but not suprised, all the previous Morgensterns seemed to thirst for power so why should Clary be excluded? She made sure she was no longer considered a Fairchild.

"Escort them out, they have heard enough." The Queen snapped suddenly at the guard next to her bed, her mood quickly souring. The faerie nodded and pushed open the door to the hallway, beckoning them behind him. As they made their way back to the throne room Jace was entranced by the other set of double doors across the hallway.
The wood seemed to sing to his blood but before he could push the doors open a guard caught his shoulder.
The faerie shook his head.
"The wonders of faerie are not designed for mortal eyes." The gurads voice was deep, threatening almost but a rone of amusment danced through his voice.
Jace opened his mouth but at a hatsh look from the guard he shut his mouth and nodded. The guard smiled and pushed him down the hall to where Alec, Izzy and Simon stood waiting. Alec looked up at him as he fell into step with his parabati. But Jace didn't seem to notice. The only thing that he could think was what was in that room?

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