chapter 27

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Demi's POV

me and gemma were sat on her private jet, waiting for it to take off so we could go back to L.A. like always we had all our stuff out ready for the long flight ahead of us. I had Gemma's plane sweets in my pocket on case she feels sick or anything when we take off.

it was hard for gemma to say goodbye back at the house, they wanted to come to the airport with us but gemma wouldn't let them. she doesn't want the press knowing who her family are, she doesn't want them harassing them whenever they go out.

she was silent next to me, just staring out the window. she looked upset, I reached over and grabbed her hand, she got out of her thoughts and looked at me and smiled.

D - don't worry babe, we'll come back soon,

G - really,

D - I promise, okay?

G - okay.

I leaned over and kissed her softly, the pilot told us through the speaker thing, that we're about to take off, I looked at gemma, she seemed surprisingly calm.

I felt the plane start to take off, I glanced at gemma and she was calmly looking out the window,

D - gems, are you okay? do feel sick or anything? she turned to me with a smile on her face.

G - no I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine as long as your here, she said and winked, she then looked out the window again.

I blushed deep red when winked, it was also the smirk she had plastered on her face, it was adorable. I leaned my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. this was perfect, I could stay with gemma forever, wait scratch that....I am going to stay with gemma forever.

Gemma's POV

I don't know why, but when Demi's on the plane with me, I don't feel scared, sick or anything I used to on a plane. there's something about her that makes me a better person.

when the plane was flying normally I got my laptop out and put it on the little table thingy they have on planes. I checked my emails and saw one from my good old friend, Ellen Degenerous. I opened it and read it,

To: Gemma McGrath
From: Ellen Degenerous

hello Gem! good to speak to you, I've sent the same email to demi but I was wondering if you could both come on my show on Saturday, I admire you both coming out and I'm sure your fans (and me) would love some answers, get back to me xx

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