chapter 78

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Demi's POV

I was now at Davids wake, where we all have a good time, some people get drunk, have a party and remember all the good things about the deceased. But I couldn't enjoy myself at this moment in time. Gemma was still no where to be found and I was getting nervous. Why would she just disappear like that without saying anything to anyone? Not even me?

I was sat side ways on one of the chairs beside the circular table. Tapping my nails against the screen of my phone anxiously waiting for some sign that gemma was okay. I'd tried calling and texting her but I've had no reply. Vanessa tried to assure me that she probably just gone for a walk to clear her head, that's what I'm hopping she's doing.

I saw the entrance doors open, my gaze darted through the different people stood in the way. I jolted out of my seat when I saw the familular straight blonde hair slowly step through. I politely rushed through Gemma's relatives, most I hadn't even met yet, to get to her. Once I got to her, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to face me.

D - gemma! There you are where the hell were you?!

G - oh I uh- sorry I went for a walk and lost track of where I was, I didn't realise how far I'd walked. She didn't look to sure about her answer, but I'll let it slide because to be honest she looks high.

D - well tell me next time you had me worried sick,

G - I'm sorry, I will next time I promise,

D - what about my phonecalls? She looked at me confused,

G - what phonecalls?

D - I called you, to find out where you were but you never picked up?

G - oh my phones in my bag and on silent, I didn't go on it while I was out, I forgot I had it with me to be honest.

D - haha okay well if you go for a walk in the future, keep it handy.

G - I will, she smiled wrapping her arm around me, pulling me in for a kiss in the process.

I giggled slightly and kissed her back as I also wrapped my arms around her. Our lovely kiss was interrupted by someone clearing their throat next to us. We both pulled away and looked, our smiles faded as we saw it wasn't just someone, it was Michelle, Gemma's mother, who hates my guts.

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