chapter 41

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* 2 days later *

Gemma's POV

when I got out yesterday, we went to my families hotel and it was great. Katie was crying with happiness, I ignored my mothers presence apart from when she said hello and stuff. demi kept being cautious of everything I did and still does today.

we stayed there last night, we had a huge sleep over and it was awesome. me and demi are now in our way home and she said she has I surprise for me but she won't tell me what it is. its starting to annoy me a little bit, I'm one of those people who like surprises, but don't know their getting surprised if you know what I mean. like I feel like if its to do with me or someone I care about I like have to know. I don't mean to be like it.

we pull up to my house, which is soon to be our house. we were supposed to move in together but with the accident it didn't happen. as we pulled up I saw a very special something in my driveway. I looked at demi smiling from ear to ear.

G - noooooo, she nodded smiling at me, noooooo! I got out of Demi's car and ran over to it.

there was a beautiful Porsche sitting in my driveway with a huge bow tied onto it. I jumped up and down in excitement, which hurt my ribs a little bit because they weren't fully better yet. demi noticed and rushed up to me.

D - gemma are you okay? are you hurt? she rushed her sentences while wrapping her arms around me.

G - yeah I'm fine just a bit to excited, is this really for me?!

D - well you can only have these, she said dangling the car keys in my face, if you prove to me you will behave with this car, you will do that by having me drive with you every time you use the car, or if I'm not here you stick to the speed limit and not trying to be a badass. I laughed at her.

G - okay I promise to behave to earn your trust. she smiled and kissed me while handing me the keys.

D - let's go inside, she suggested still kissing me, I nodded and we pulled apart and walked in.

demi opened the door for me and I walked in first. my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I looked around. all Demi's stuff had already been moved in, I rushed around the house exploring everything, all Demi's stuff was here obviously bar a few things like bed and stuff cause mines better, it was our house. I rushed up to my room and ran into my wardrobe and looked at the extension I had put on it to fit Demi's clothes and stuff, all her clothes were here on the opposite side to mine, I ran my hand over all her clothes smiling because now they belonged in our house. I turned to the doorway and saw demi leaning against the doorway with her arms folded smiling.

G - how did you do this?

D - well you should thank your family, when they visited I told then we were supposed to be moving in, so David danny and your gramps packed my stuff and brought it over and your nan tasha and Katie helped me put everything away and tidy.

I ran up to her a and hugged her tight. she hugged back just as tight. I lifted my head and looked at her,

G - we live together, she give me her signature smile.

D - yes we do,

G - well I don't know about you but, I need a shower.

D - hmm I do need one, you go first.

G - or, to save water we could, I have her a cheeky grin, we could easily just take one together? she gave me her answer by pulling me into a kiss.

she lead me into the bathroom, kicking the door shut.

we ended up taking a rather long shower ;)

after our shower, demi brought me to the music room and got me chocolate cheesecake, my favourite, I did a happy dance when she gave it to me. we sat down and had a movie marathon, mean girls, lion king, harry potter, twilight, I love twilight I really do but I hate Kristen Stewarts acting, she just can't act, she has one facial expression and that's it!

demi laughed every time I made a face or a noise at her acting, she completely agrees with me, but I hate it with passion, now I'm sure she's a lovely girl, but come on she can't act for shit. I would have done a better job if I was a man. she does sound like a man in one of them she's like 'JACOB' its like she turned into a boy and hit puberty in one word.

she is the only thing I don't like about twilight, my favourite thing is Jacob and demi knows that, I mean c'mon when he standing in the rain shirtless with water pouring down his chest, OMG! I will admit that Taylors hot, well he's my hot ex and demi also knows that. but Demi's my one and only I hope she knows that.  I mean even she couldn't keep her eyes off him, I even teased her by leaning over and saying, 'it gets better when he's naked' she couldn't help but laugh, she did smack my arm playfully for talking about my ex like that but she understands that me and him are friends and nothing more.

I love demi to infinity and beyond.


now who though I was actually gunna kill her,

I will admit I thought about it, I was gunna but then I thought naaaaa so I kept her alive.

this is just a quick filler so a proper update probably later or tomorrow

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