chapter 60

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* 1 month later *

Demi's POV

so its been a month and me and gemma have decided that it would be best to have our wedding maybe next year becuase i have been asked to judge on the british x factor this time and gemma is woking again, so we dont really have time for the wedding yet.

we have also finished our song, well nearly. its really good in fairness. gemma has been really buisy lately so we havent spent as must time together as we usually do. and i can tell that all this sudden work is getting her stressed because she has had a really short tempered with everything lately, the smallest things could set her off a little bit. i can it on her facial expressions and body language too. like when she starts to get frustrated her head will titch a little bit and her jaw will clench. sometimes she says she's going outside for some air and then comes bak maybe 5 minutes later much better.

right now we are in the studio in gemma's meeting room with her manager, her publist and all the important people in her career. let me tell you its very hot in here, im sat here with a few peices of paper fanning myself, every now and then ill see gemma wipe her forehead from the heat. then she'd close her eyes and take a deep breathe as if to calm herself down.

i watched her intently, her eyebrows were furrowed but it wasnt in confusion, her eyes were a darker green than usual, so i knew straight away she wasnt happy at all, then i got to her lips, i watched as her teeth picked at the skin on her lips, its a habit she has picked up, whenever she's nervous, frustrated or angry or something like that she will sit and basically bite at the skin on her lips.

suddenly she threw her head back in frustration and sood up,

G - right! thats it i am taking a break! i cannot be in here any fucking longer! dems ill be back in 5, okay?

D - okay.

she grabbed her bag and speed walked out the room, I waited a few minutes before following her out,

Gemma's POV

oh my god i couldnt stay in that meeting room any longer. i just had to leave.

walking throught he corridors towards the back entrance of the building, as stormed through the halls i felt anger phyically rush through my body, am i only the only one who feels that? most of the time i feel it flow from my shoulders straight down to my finger tips. i dont even know why i feel angry, ive felt this alot lately and quite often i snap at demi and i dont like to it just comes out, its like i have no control over it.

finally i got outside and leant my back against the wall meanwhile opening my bag. i fumbled around a bit when i finally found what i was looking for, i put the blue box in my pocket as i closed my bag again. i got the box out again and opened it, i quickly counted how many were left, 6. i took one out and placed it between my lips as i also took the small plastic contianer holding the fuel.

i brought it up near my mouth covering it with my other hand as my thumb pressed down on the button as the lighter lit the ciggerette that balanced between my lips. i took a long drag and breathed it out with a sigh of release. damn that feels good.

i now have about maybe 3-4 a day, demi doesnt know though. its the only thing i could turn to, to let my anger out. i used to maybe punch alot of walls or self harm or something but i cant do that now.

i was maybe half way through my ciggerette, i took drag but then all of a sudden, the door flew open and demi's pink hair came into view. i put my hand containing my ciggerette behind my back and held my breathe in. she turned around and looked at me.

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