chapter 5

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Gemma's POV

I woke up with Demi in my arms, I instantly felt myself smile, I have always thought Demi as my girl crush, but slowly but surley she is becoming a real crush. I'm such a fuck up! Why do I always do this, when ever I fall for a girl they are always straight. Arhh! The last releationship I had was a guy, Taylor Launter, we didn't go out for very long, maybe like 5 months, we ended on good terms, we are still good friends, he's like my boy best friend, I think thats what we realised towards the end of out relationship. I love him, but not in that way.

I looked at Demi, she had black make-up round her eyes where she had been crying, I felt so bad for her. Wilmer is such a bastard! He never deserved Demi. She deserves someone better than that. Someone to hold her, to love her, to tell her she is beautiful everyday.

I carefully got out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen, I put the radio on quietly and started cooking, when I had finished cooking, I put it all on a tray for Demi, I had a bowl of scrambled egg, a plate of toast, plate of bacon, bowl of beans, jug of orange juice with a glass and obviously PANCAKES!

I walked up to Demi's guest room being very carefull not to drop the tray. When opened the door, Demi was in the same position I left her in. I walk over to the bed and put the tray next to her, I shook her shoulder a little,

G - Demi? hun, c'mon I got your breakfast here. I wispered to her,

D - hhmm go away! I'm sleeping. she mumbled,

G - ....I got pancakes? her eyes shot open and she sat up, here you go, I said putting the tray on her lap.

D - um thanks, she said loking at the amount of food I prepared,

G - I got some facial wipes in my bag I'll go and get them, in the nicest way possible look like shit haha. she giggled.

I walked over to my bag and got the wipes out, as I turned aroun I saw Demi picing at her food. I think know what's going through her mind, and it isn't good. I walk over to her and lift her chin with my hand, I stare into her eyes as she stares into mine, I see the sadness in her eyes as I start to wipe her make-up off he face. sighing I stand up and take the tray off her lap and put it on the bed. She looks up at me confused I hold my hands out to her to help her stand up, she takes them and I lead her to her full body mirror she has, she looks at her reflection and cringes. I tell her to stand there and I walk back over to my back and take out a marker pen and walk back over to her.

G - right stand still, and dont move okay? she nods

I go to the mirror and carefully draw the outline of Demi on the mirror, when I finished I put the pen infront of her feet, I turn to Demi.

G - right now go eat. One meal that was marvellously cooked my me doesn't make you fat okay, now go. she nods and gives me a genuine smile.

She walks back to the bed and starts eating her food, I sit next to her and she turns to me,

D - Gem, where's yours?

G - right here, I say picking up the extra fork I put down and eating he piece of pancake she just cut for herself, she giggle and started eating.

When it was all gone, I was stuffed I didn't realise I made that much, I couldn't hold it in any more, I let out a huge burp which took Demi and myself by suprise I wasnt expecting it to be that big.

D - you pig!

G - ah well what you gunna do? ahaha right come on then! I said putting the tray on the bed again and taking her to the mirror.

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