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"I SAID DELETE THE PHOTO RIGHT NOW!" Acting all angry, Haechan pulled out his hand to reach for Mark's phone, who was smirking as he enjoyed the sight of the scary (cute Haechan)

"Nope. Not a chance. I'm planning to frame it,"

Mark laughed as he lifted his hand a bit higher. Knowing that Haechan couldn't reach the phone because of their height differences.

In fact, Mark was surely enjoying the whole moment as their position was quite intimate, but of course, Haechan didn't notice that as he was too focused on taking the phone.

Took a step back, Haechan pushed Mark's shoulder away, causing the older to stumble back a bit.

"Fine! You ask for it!" the Omega scoffed, looking at him with full hatred as his patience started to run low.

Mark was somehow looking frustrated at the loss of the contact. Then, he saw Haechan smirking at him as he pulled out a familiar blue denim pattern diary from his bag.

"Recognize this Markeu?"

Haechan smirked as he saw the bothered face of the Alpha when he saw the diary.

Seeing the pale-faced Mark surely gave him some kind of entertainment. Aware that Mark might snatch the diary, he quickly secured the diary into his bag and ran away from him.

"Come and get it perv," he said, as he ruffled the older's hair.

"Damn it! Give it back Seo Haechan! HEY!"

"Not a chance," Heachan shook his head, sticking his tongue out at Mark.

"I need to get the diary back," Mark growled, running his fingers through his messy hair.

By hook or by crook, Haechan can't read the diary, especially when he is the main subject in the diary. The content in his diary needs to remain a secret.


It was just a simple trick. Mark never locked his room and as far as Haechan remembered, he used to hide his diary under his pillow.

And all he needed was the perfect timing, which was when Mark was not at home.

Gladly, he managed to get the diary, thanks to Jeno who helped him earlier. Remind him to give Jeno a treat later.

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