๑๑ (11)

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"Sugar? When is your next heat due?"

"why?" the Omega muttered under his breath as the older kept on sniffing his neck. He had his eyes closed the whole time because of the burning sensation.

"you smell sweeter than you used to be," the Alpha answered.

"next week —" the Omega said, closing his eyes as the Alpha rubbed his nose against the skin of his exposed neck. "— eumm — stoppp — Mark," the Omega giggled as the older licked his neck. The spot that he remembered as his sweet spot.


Mark looked straight into the Omega's eyes, placed his hand on the younger's jaw and cupped his face. The Omega was indeed such a beauty. Somehow he found the younger much prettier than any other girl. His beautiful sun-kissed skin, cute little nose, round deer-like eyes, plump cherry lips and the moles on his face, all spelled perfection.

He leaned closer to him that his forehead touched Haechan's. "I'm sorry," Mark said, swallowed a hard lump in his throat. "— I should have been there for you,"

The Omega furrowed his brows, unable to digest whatever the older was talking about.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

Now he realized that the older was actually holding his tears from falling. His eyes were indeed a bit teary and any moment by now the tears might fall.

"I didn't know that you'll be such in pain on your heat because of me," he said, finally his tears dropped. "— I chickened out because I thought I might hurt you," he held the younger's hands, playing with his finger, face looking down. He couldn't help but felt guilty of his past action. "— when the fact that I'm hurting you more when I did that,"

Haechan examined the look on the Alpha's face. A sincere, earnest look was found on his handsome face. Mark Jung was the perfect definition of an Alpha.

The Omega reached over and took Mark's hands. He giggled as he noticed the difference between their sizes where Mark was more manly and bigger than him.

Typical Omega, they're always smaller in size compared to Alpha and Beta.

"I know you have your doubts," Haechan said softly. "— back then, I used to have doubt in you too. I thought you hated me — embarrassed to have a mate like me,"

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