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"why didn't you tell me that you're coming over?" Haechan pouted, as he rested his head on Ryujin's shoulder.

Ryujin chuckled while running her fingers through the Omega's hair. "I told you right that it was a surprise?" she said, for a second she forgot that the male Alpha kept on sending a death glare at her.

The Omega looked up at her, "wait, how do you know that I live here?"

They were sitting at the couches with Ryujin and Haechan sitting next to each other and Mark was sitting on another couch, facing them. If a look could kill, Ryujin surely dead by now.

Ryujin noticed how intense the male Alpha sent death glare at her, she smirked, looking at him using her peripheral view.

"Yeri gave me your address," she chuckled, slowly pulling out her hand to squish the Omega's face. "—you are getting much cuter than the last time I saw you," she added, earning a scoff from Mark.

"Can I stay at your house for a while? I mean — just before I find another place." Ryujin asked at the Omega.

Haechan nodded and grinned, "sure, you're always welcome to stay here Ryujin,"

"you what?" Mark was half shouting half questioning at her.

Ryujin smirked, more specifically at the male Alpha. The said female Alpha ran a hand over her shoulder-length hair. Truthfully, she had a good time looking at the emotional face of Mark, but she forced a sincere smile on her face.

"I'm going to stay here for a week," she repeated as if provoking Mark's anger.

Oh, he was going to be crazy for a week then. Well, it wasn't Mark to blame in the first place. You see, Ryujin was Haechan's best friend since they were little.

Ryujin was the same age as Mark and Yeri, and it kinda confusing for Mark how can two people with contrasting personalities befriend each other. Though they were good friends, Ryujin went to a different school from them, which made Mark glad. He couldn't imagine how things could be when Ryujin was around them.

Both Jeno and Yeri, surprisingly getting well with her but not with Mark. He hated her because she monopolized the male Omega from him and played dirty tricks on him if he tried to take Haechan away.

Mark prayed that someday someone would kidnap the annoying girl or maybe be abducted by aliens so that she couldn't come back home. And perhaps he was doing his prayer sincerely, God finally listened to his prayer. Until one day when he was back from school with Haechan, Yeri and Jeno, Ryujin was crying mess because she had to move with her family to Japan.

Mark didn't see Ryujin as a friend, but much more like a competitor? Plus, both of them were Alphas, and to tell the truth, it was such a rare case to have a Female Alpha.

But Alpha was still an Alpha. They can make the Omega pregnant, even the female Alpha. Mark was wondering, like how? Again, let nature speak.

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