๓ (3)

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When Haechan stepped out of the elevator on the third floor, he turned right. He looked around, had a wide smile on his face. Finally, he was going to live on his own.

Of course, he was used to being spoiled by his family, but now it's time for him to be independent.

Took a deep breath, he rang the bell. After he rang three times but received no answer, he stopped.

Earlier he had phoned Mr. Grey asking about the apartment. After a few talks on the phone, Mr. Grey gave him an address to the place.

Much for Haechan's liking, the apartment was indeed situated close by the college.

Without any hesitation, he agreed to rent the apartment. Money shouldn't be a problem, he already prepared his saving for that. And he might consider looking for a part-time job after this.

He must say that it was his luck. He got his parents' approval, found a nearby apartment to the college, and now all he needed to do was give some cash and bring his luggage to his new apartment.

Everything went well for now. Well, at least that was what he thought.

Checking his phone, he noticed that he had already been waiting for 15minutes at the door but still there was no sign of Mr. Grey around, so he decided to call Mr.Grey.

"Hello Mr.Grey? Yeah, it's me. The one who call earlier? I'm in front of the apartment right now,"

"Oh hi! Sorry to keep you waiting. Uhm...can you wait for a while? I'm on my way now,"



Then, he ended the call and put his phone back into his sling bag. He decided to walk around the place.

There were three apartments on the right and looking at the one that was situated next to his, he assumed it belongs to some students like him too.

As he was about to walk around, there was a sound beeping in his bag. Someone messaged him. He looked through his bag to find the phone, not noticing that he kept on walking till he bumped into someone, making him fall on his ass hard.

"Ugh! Do you have eyes? Can you watch where you're go — " he shut his mouth once he saw who he bumped into.

Someone who he least expected to see.

Mark Jung.

But, what was he's doing here? Considering the place situated far from their home, it was surely odd to see him around here, in the same place, same floor, and the same apartment. Haechan doubted that it was just mere coincidence.

Just like Haechan, Mark too had the same shock expression. He offered him a hand and pulled him to his feet.

"What are you doing here Haechan?" Mark asked, still wondering why he found Haechan there. He approached the younger who looked dispised at him.

The Omega sighed, "Well, it should be me who ask you that. Are you following me around again?"

"Me?" Mark pointed at himself, then he pointed at the Omega, "Following you? What do you mean?"

The younger groaned for the nth time, he was then pointed at the Alpha, "You heard me. Why are you following me?"

"I was not. I came here for a reason,"

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