๒๙ (29)

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Note: the pregnancy in abo kinda different from the normal one, plus this is mpreg, please expect some nonsense theory. 😉.

Haechan woke up at nine, feeling dead-headed. He reached for his phone and called Yeri to come over to his apartment.

With Mark not around at that time, it would be a perfect time to have siblings talk with Yeri without the thought of Mark eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hey baby bro," Yeri said by way of greeting when she walked in. "—oh! Who's this cutie pup?" she asked as soon as she saw Daniel on the couch. The female Omega kept on pinching the baby's cheek.

"he is my neighbor's pup. I'm babysitting him for the time being," Haechan said as he followed Yeri to sit on the couch.

"he's so cute," Yeri couldn't hide her excitement over the cute baby and kept on kissing his cheeks, earning a cute giggle from the pup.

Haechan had the urge to hug and cry on her shoulder like he always did before. But, it might scare the crap out of her, so he just sat next to her and looked down at the floor.

But Yeri will always be Yeri.

She always knew when something was wrong with her brother. She scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand.

"Hae, spill it. I know you, you're a terrible liar. I know something is wrong—" she paused as she looked around, making sure that nobody was around. "—it has something to do with Mark right?"

Haechan sighed, "I had a fight with Mark yesterday,"

Yeri frowned, "why? What happened?" she asked, then she stopped as she started to check the male Omega's body, "—did he hurts you?"

"no, it was me. It was my fault. I'm being sensitive over a stupid matter," he admitted softly. "—he tried to explain but I didn't hear him out. I feel sick of myself for doing that," he smiled bitterly, but he felt relieved to admit the truth aloud.

"—is it because of someone else? I mean, did he cheat on you?" Yeri asked again. Haechan chuckled at her, she was blunt again.

"no, he's not" Haechan answered in a tired voice. "—it's about the pup,"

Yeri widened her eyes, then her gaze went down to Haechan's stomach. "wait—" she shut her eyes and shook his head.

Haechan always knew how dramatic his sister could be, he decided to close Yeri's mouth with his hand and shook his head, mumbled 'talk slowly, there's Daniel in here,'.

Yeri just nodded and after a while, she finally calmed down. Then, she reached for the water on the coffee table, gulping it as she just had a 1000meter run.

"am I going to be an aunt?"

Haechan was about to answer her when he felt a sharp cramping pain in the stomach. He winced, biting his lips as he tried to ease the pain, bringing his hand to press on his tummy.

"Hae, you okay?" panickily, she patted and rubbed her brother's back. After a few minutes, Haechan groaned.

"my tummy cramped," he said as he slowly caressed his tummy. "—does that happen to you too?" he asked Yeri.

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