๑๘ (18)

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Johnny sighed. He looked at his Omega son who gave him an innocent look.

Johnny never thought that his son would be very much similar to his wife. But today, Haechan proved to him that the apple never falls far from the tree.

What happened in the early morning was, Ten and Yeri suddenly barged into Haechan and Mark's apartment with Ten long rants about Johnny who lied to him.

Johnny was bleary-eyed when he opened the door just to be met with the creepy smile of Ten who was pulling his ear when he said 'hi' to him.

"care to explain why are you here John?"

Ten raised one of his eyebrows while his arms wrapped on his chest. Sometimes, he would exchange a look with his son.

Johnny tsked. He knew this will happen. He pleaded at his wife.

"I just want to pay him a visit. That's all,"

Ten was about to say something, but someone beat him to it.

"I'm sorry Hae. Didn't know dad would come here," Yeri said as she came out of the kitchen, with a plate of chocolate cake in her hand. "—please don't be mad at me," she said.

But then she heard a faint fake cough from her mom. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "—and mom" Ten gave her a saccharine smile when she mentioned his name.

"it's fine," Haechan said to Yeri, throwing his arms around Yeri's neck so hard he knocked her off balance. "—I really missed you noona,"

She smiled at the male Omega, lightly patted him. "me too," she dragged him along with her to sit next to her on the couch.

"Hae, are you reaching your heat?" she asked as she started to sniff at the younger's neck.

The younger hummed. "in two more days I guess,"

The older was surprisingly calm as she took a spoonful of cake into her mouth, "wow, I'm not surprised when you suddenly texted mom like that last night," she giggled as she munched the cake.

"noona! Stop!" the male Omega pouted as he placed his head on his sister's shoulder.

It was always like that, whenever their parents were arguing about something, they would cuddle on the couch. It was nothing serious, as they already knew what will happen after the argument.

There will be Johnny asking for Ten's forgiveness. Ten would be ended up in Johnny's embrace and the two of them will be sharing hot kisses and releasing some horny pheromones.

As a precaution, Yeri was always the one who prepared the face masks for both of them.

Back to the Omega siblings, the two of them settled themselves on the couch with Haechan placed his head on Yeri's lap.

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