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Note: Italic - flashback

"so, it says here, the first thing that you should do is helping with the household chores," Yuta said as he looked through his phone.

Mark shrugged. Somehow he had doubts about getting help from Yuta. You see, Yuta said that he would help him to impress the younger, but then again why did he look up through his phone?

"you mean I should be helping him with the household?"

"some sort of," Yuta dropped his phone back into his pocket.

"wait, this thing sounds like for a married couple. And you said you'll give me professional advice, and this is what you mean with professional advice?" The young Alpha pointed at Yuta's phone.

"what? You use the internet for things like this you know," Yuta commented. He rolled his eyes when he saw the judging face on Mark. "look, isn't that the same? You both are sharing the apartment and soon enough, you two will get married too, that's making you two a married couple as well,"

Mark suddenly agreed at the thought of him and Haechan becoming a married couple.

"okay, anything but cooking. Me and kitchen is a bad combination," He admitted.

The last time he offered his help at the kitchen, he nearly burned his mom's kitchen. Since that day, Taeyong banned him from doing everything related to cooking.

"Maybe you can help him by doing the laundry? You know, I always help my wife with the laundry,"

"well, I think I can do that,"

Mark whipped his head around Haechan's room. As always, the room was tidy and clean, until he saw a bundle of clothes on Haechan's bed.

Well, 100% of the clothes belonged to him, his jacket, shirts and sweaters were on the bed.

He'd wonder what the Omega was going to do with all his clothes, but then one of his brain cells told him that maybe the Omega was looking for clothes and he didn't have the time to clean it up since he was already late.

Mark took one of the sweaters as he remembered giving it to the younger during his heat. How proud he was when his scent still lingering on the shirt.

Carefully took all the clothes to the laundry basket, he already imagined Haechan being happy that he helped him with the laundry.

If you were wondering where is Haechan, he was out for a meeting in his college, something that had to do with the charity work that he joined. Probably going to be home in the late evening.

Mark never worried about the Omega's safety as he already asked Jeno to take care of the younger, and that included taking him home safely.

Jeno whined at him for being like a butler to Haechan but just as his brother offered him some cash, he never complained about it.

"why don't you do it yourself? What if Nana gets the wrong idea,"

Mark exhaled loudly, he kinda knew his brother would protest like that, "I'll give you money and a car for that, all you need to do is to make sure he's safe and buy him food if he gets hungry. And also I want you to report everything about him to me if something happened,"

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