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Italic : Flashback

"his Alpha is —"


The Omega couldn't help his curiosity over the thing that his dad was about to tell.

Johnny sighed, "pumpkin, you remember the folktales stories that I used to tell you and your sister when you guys were kids?"

"which one?" Haechan narrowed his eyes, thinking.

Wait, what folktales have to do with Mark's Alpha? What was his dad trying to say?

"the story of Fenrir and Vida?"

"u'uh, the Omega who betrayed his mate just because he fell in love with another Alpha from the other pack?"

Haechan clapped his hand together as the memories of his childhood ignited in his mind.

He tried to recall the story as he remembered it was one of his favorites and how he used to ask Johnny to reread it again. Yeri always protested at how he didn't get tired of hearing the same story every night.

"well, it's not just a story actually," Johnny swallowed hard. "—it happened to be true,"

"what do you mean?"

"—look, please don't cut my talk or anything, let me finish, okay pumpkin?"

"uhm, okay,"

"Actually, Mark's Alpha is the reincarnations of the Fenrir, and that's means —"

A thought popped into Haechan's mind, then he widened his eyes, half yelled half-shouted at Johnny, "don't tell me that the Omega, Vida is me!"

Johnny naturally placed his hands on his ears when he knew that his son will be shouting like that. It was a natural phenomenon for him, his wife too, always did that. If someone doubted that Haechan was their son, he definitely had something to go against them.

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