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"So that's why you leave the house?"

Haechan raised one of his eyebrows, carefully put down the hot chocolate on the coffee table.

Mark hummed as he took the hot chocolate as soon as the younger placed it on the table.

"Yeah, I can't stand seeing them eating each other face. Ugh! Gross,"

Mark shook his head as he remembered the scene where the couple was having sex in the kitchen a few days ago. Damn, he even had to watch Percy Jackson's movies the whole day just to get rid of the memories.

"That's mine," the Omega pouted, but then he sighed, a little bit tired to argue with the older.

The older shrugged. "I don't see your name on it," he reasoned.

He sipped the hot chocolate. He furrowed his brows as he tasted it. Damn, the taste, why he didn't notice the floating marshmallows earlier. Of course, Haechan was a big fan of hot chocolate with marshmallows. But as for Mark, he never liked the taste of it.

Haechan rolled his eyes, he lifted his gaze back to the TV, showing some kind of reality show or something. He never bothered anyway, after all, it was just a distraction so that they won't be trapped in an awkward situation.

But something was on his mind, he kept on looking at the Alpha. He bit his inner cheek, still wondering whether to ask or not.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You never ask for permission before," Mark chuckled, he wanted to laugh at the younger. Since when he asks for his permission? That was weird.

Cleared his throat, the Omega looked up at him, "So—" Haechan started. "—you still into Jaemin? That's why you leave the house? Because you were hurt?"

He asked, giving the older a stare. It wasn't a question, yet not a statement. He just couldn't determine should be a question or an answer itself.

Mark was startled, he almost spilled the hot chocolate because of the question. Haechan tsked, pulled out tissue on the table and gave it to the older.

Mark wiped away some hot chocolate on his face, while giving him a curious look. Why on earth did the Omega think that he had a feeling toward Jaemin. He probably died by now if Jeno found out about that, which was not true.

"What do you mean?"

Haechan shrugged, he turned his body to face the older, brought his legs together on the couch, folded them and looked serious at Mark. While Mark mentally cursed at how serious the younger looked at him.

"you know what I mean," the Omega smiled bitterly as he took the mug away from him.

Mark hated how broken the younger looked right now. He knew the Omega was about to tear up anytime soon. He could see the younger was holding his tear. He could tell that the Omega faked a smile at him.

"That was 5 years ago Haechan. Everything has changed," he snickered.

He was tired to explain that he was no longer had feelings towards Jaemin. Yes. He admitted that he was once had a tiny, little crush on Jaemin the first time he laid his eyes on Jeno's mate. Anyway, who wouldn't?

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