๗ (7)

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"Sugar, I'm hungry,"


"Cook something for me,"

"I'm busy,"

"No, you're not. You're just busy with that thing," the Alpha whined, pouting his lips as he made a sulky face. Too bad the younger didn't see that.

He leaned his body at the younger's door room. Staring at the younger who was lying in his bed, with a phone in his hand.

Haechan let out a sigh. "You're aware that you are capable to do everything on your own right?"

Mark could see that the Omega rolled his eyes, though his eyes were practically stuck on the phone. Fingers were busy typing messages to 'someone'.

It made him mad.

"Who're you texting to?" The Alpha asked, couldn't help himself but feel curious at the Omega.

"None of your business," the Omega replied.

"What with that attitude? Is that because of the Chinese Alpha?" the older one snapped, for some reason looking angry. "—Is he the one you texting with?" Mark questioned him.

Haechan looked back at him, trying to figure out the expression on the older's face.

All that he could see was anger, jealousy?

Wait, jealousy? Why would he get jealous of him? They were not even mates.

"Yes. It's him. Why? Got a problem with that?"

"Of course I do. You're my mate, that's why," he said angrily.

"Uhm, correction. We're supposed to be mates but no — we're not and we will never be,"

"Are you joking me now?"

The younger scoffed, rolled his eyes, then lifted his gaze to the older, "Am I look like a joke to you? That's what I always want to ask you,"

"No, you don't get it. I —"

"No, you know what? I had enough of this shit. I don't understand why are you doing this to me when you don't even love me, but just so that you know, you hurt me,"

With that, he got up from the bed, grabbed his jacket and walked out of the room. "I'm going back to my house,"

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