๒๖ (26)

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"where's Daniel?"

Mark asked when he noticed the little Alpha was gone, out of their sight. The  Omega looked down at his hand, only noticing that the pup was nowhere to be seen.

He started to get panic as he whipped his head around him, looking for the specific baby. The same question sliced through his chest. Where's the baby? How can he forget about Daniel?

"Mark, Daniel isn't here. What should we do?" there was a tinge of panic and worry in his tone. He was biting his nail, a sign that he was worried about something.

"it's all my fault. I shouldn't let go of his hand. I—," panic rose in his chest.

Knowing that his mate started to get panic, Mark cupped the younger's face, bringing their face close together.

"Hey Sugar, listen to me. It wasn't your fault okay? Don't blame yourself. We are going to find him no matter what," the Alpha caressed his mate cheek as he said that. "—Daniel is a smart boy, he will be alright. Trust me, okay?"


Mark placed his finger onto the younger's lips, and shook his head. "trust me, we are going to find him, okay?"

Nodded weakly, the Omega's lips curved upward a bit. "okay,"

Mark was somehow glad that the Omega was finally calm. Things might be getting worse if the Omega couldn't control his emotions.

"now, I want you to find him over there, and I will be going this way. Call me if you find him okay?" still cupped the younger's face, the Alpha gave the Omega a smile and kissed his forehead. "—that's my good Omega"

The couple decided to go separately to find the pup as it might be more convenient. They were surely lucky that it wasn't at peak hours.

There were only a few people that they assumed as old married couples, teenagers and kids. It might be harder for them if they had to find the baby alongside herds of people.

Mark fastened his pace as he was looking around him. Sometimes, he would stop and ask some people whether they had seen the little boy. Unfortunately, the answers were the same as he received a shook from their head.

Mark stopped short at the stationary section when his arm accidentally bumped into the pink Hello Kitty bag. He cursed but then, he stared at the bag for quite a long time.

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