๓๑ (31)

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"we're terribly sorry for the damage and we'll pay for it,"

Renjun bowed again at the cashier, feeling guilty after Jaemin broke down the poor police toy car. Then, he elbowed Jaemin who was pouting, and kept playing with the hem of his shirt.

"don't you have something to say Nana?" the Beta asked.

The Omega blinked and nodded. "uhm—I'm really sorry, but I really didn't know that it will make a sound. I thought it was just a fake button," he said in a guilty tone.

The cashier sighed. "it's okay, but you still need to pay for the toy car," she said.

Renjun brightened at the female Beta's words. "thank you!"

After a friendly chit-chat with the female Beta with the name tag 'Yuqi' who was actually one of Lucas's friends, they bid goodbye to her after promising a hangout next time they meet.

Now the three of them decided to go to their favorite café.

Haechan stared at the tattoo on the back of the hostess's neck as she glided away. A Chinese character that he remembered as Ying and Yang, which means the balance and unity between two elements or something like that.

Renjun shot him a judging look. "care to explain why did you buy those?"

The Omega sighed as he sipped the orange juice. "for future use—" trying to look as cool as a cat, the Omega whipped his head around. He was trying to distract himself, obviously.

A whiff of peppers and eggs brought back his favorite meal. What he wouldn't give for just one bite. His mouth started to get watery at the sudden thought of Mark's failed cooking. And he was somehow craving for Mark's burnt eggs.

"Chocoball? Please, we're your best friends," the Omega persuaded, reached his hand and grabbed it. "—you can trust us. What happened to the no secret between us?" Jaemin pleaded at him.

Haechan sighed. "okay. I'll tell you everything but promised me you two will keep it down and zipped your mouth—," he said, more like threatened them.

The two exchanged a look and nodded in sync. "—and that also means you can't tell Jeno because he's going to tell Mark about it too,"

Jaemin was about to protest when Renjun send him a glare.

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