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"uhm, carrot juice?" Haechan confirmed, as he glanced at Ryujin. "is it okay with you Ryu?"

Gave him a smile, Ryujin nodded and looked back on her phone again. While Haechan moved his gaze back to the waitress.

"two carrot juices, please" he chirped at the waitress.

Both of them were at their favorite cafe, Haechan had finished his class when Ryujin texted him to meet her at the same cafe.

The female Alpha told him last night that she already found a house and will be moving in two days. So, they decided to have a Besties day out.

Haechan glanced at the smiling Ryujin as she was busy tapping the message on her phone. He chuckled.

"so, when are you planning to introduce your mate to me?" Haechan grinned at the blushing Ryujin.

"what?" she pretended to ask, trying to hide her nervousness.

"your mate," Haechan rolled his eyes. Somehow getting impatient with Ryujin who pretended to be oblivious.

"I don't understand what are you talking about," tried to avoid the Omega's gaze, she nervously drank a glass of water on the table while her eyes were looking around her, but not at Haechan.

"you're blushing and it means something," the Omega said as he raised his eyebrow at her. "—spill it Ryu, come on, I'm your best friend" he reasoned.

Ryujin continued to drink the water, trying her best to avoid having eye contact with the Omega, or else she might be melting with his aegyo.

Haechan leaned in, dragged his chair closer to her, for some reason, Ryujin thought that the Omega was the creepiest person she ever knew.

"tell me, how does she look like?"

Ryujin blinked, "how do you know it's 'she'?"

"someone keeps on calling her name in her sleep," he grinned at the blushing female Alpha. "—come on, at least tell me her name," he begged.

"Lee Chaeryeong," Ryujin said, with a bright smile on her face.

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