๒๗ (27)

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"you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

Lucas asked softly at the Beta who kept on fidgeting his fingers.

"—in case you need someone to knock some sense into this guy," he gritted his teeth as he looked at the other Alpha who sat opposite to the Beta at the cafe.

"it's okay Xuxi, I'll call you if I need anything. Thank you," Renjun replied as he gave Lucas a reassuring smile. A faint one.

Lucas nodded and then moved his gaze back to the Alpha, "This better be important, or else I'll be the one who kicks you out of this life,"

He growled lowly, gestured I'm-watching you at Hendery who just raised his eyebrow at him, looking as cool as cucumber.

Then, Lucas left them alone as he went to his mate that kept on tasting a few drinks at the counter, earning an annoyed look from the cafe's worker.

"How are you doing?" Hendery asked casually. He eyed the Beta who snorted at his question.

"you tell me. How am I doing?" Renjun could kick himself for letting his upset shown, but it sort of slipped out before he can stop it.

Hendery couldn't help but chuckle at Renjun's answer. A long silence greeted them as both were busy with their own thought.

"Tzuyu, we lost her to cancer," surprisingly, it was Hendery who ended the silence.

Renjun tsked, then he chuckled. "I know. If not, you won't be here," he said as he jabbed the ice using his straw. As if imagined he was jabbing Hendery.

Using his peripheral view, he could see that Hendery was looking down, probably still mourning over his lover's death. Renjun couldn't blame him, he too, was shocked when he heard the news from Lucas.

"—look, just tell me what you want to say. I don't have the whole day," Renjun said, deciding to look straight at Hendery, but still with his poker face expression, arms wrapped around his chest.

Hendery smiled. "I want to start everything with you again," he said as he handed him a small white bearer box of what Renjun expected as a courting gift. "—I've talked to your parents, but I think they haven't told you anything yet?"

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