๑๖ (16)

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“wwow wong wip wou spay here?” Jeno asked.

A translation of that would be ‘how long will you stay here?’

Mark furrowed his brows as he tried to register what his brother said. Jeno was somehow mumbling as his mouth was stuffed with potato chips.

“did you do something to the house?” Mark questioned him. Looking at Jeno suspiciously.

Jeno blinked few times and smiled, resulting his eyes to curve into a crescent-like shape. Some Beta and Omega found his eye smile as attractive, but for Mark, it was more like a creepy one.

And it didn't take him long until he choked on the potato chips.


Jeno shook his brother's arm as he pointed at the water on the coffee table. Mark rolled his eyes but still handed him the water.

“and to tell the truth, I don't have the answer to your question” Mark answered.

Jeno was looking at him using his peripheral view. What matter to him now was the water.

It was the two of them in the living room. The three (*read Haechan, Jaemin and Renjun) were at the kitchen, probably preparing some delicious yet simple food for dinner. After the failed movie date, they decided to crash at Mark and Haechan's apartment since they don't have a class for tomorrow.

A serious look suddenly crossed Jeno's face, “so, when will you mate with him? You know right that he can't hold any longer. His heat is — ,”

Jeno was unable to finish his sentence as a tinny bleep issued from his iPhone, which sat face up on the coffee table.

He startled. Then he grabbed it and studied the screen.

His eyes widened as he read the name of the sender on his phone.

“it's mom. They are coming home next week,” he said as he unlocked his phone and read the message.

Mark's phone rang as well. He pulled it from his pocket. Then, he looked at Jeno. “mom texted me the same thing. And he asked for our selca,” he groaned as he read the message. “—if he said next week, that means they will be home a few days earlier,”

“why on earth he wants our selca. He never asked anything like that before,” Jeno questioned, suddenly he felt something fishy was going on. Then he shook his head, trying to remove some thoughts in his head.

“You know mom. He's tricky. He must be trying to figure out something,” Mark said. Then, he smirked, “—let's just play along. Let's see what are they planning to do,”

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