Chapter 2

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~Bella's POV~

I woke up to people talking loudly around me. He left me! Oh god! I started to panic. I couldn't breathe. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around me. It smelled like a mixture of motor oil, cologne, and aftershave.

"Uncle Tony?" I rasped.

"Yeah kiddo, it's me. I'm here. I need you to calm down and breathe." He responded.

"I can't!" I cried.

"Yes, you can. Focus on me, don't worry about anything else. Now, breathe in. Breath out." He instructed.

We repeated this over and over until I calmed down. I buried myself in his chest and he just held me. I missed his hugs; they were always what I needed. As we sat there, oblivious to the other two people in the room. After a few more minutes I shifted around to address Charlie and the guy that I have never met, I assumed he was a friend of Tony's. I never let go of Uncle Tony and he didn't let go of me.

"You okay Bells?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah," I said with a shaky voice.

"It's going to be alright Bells. You just had a mild panic attack. I've had several over the years." Tony responded.

"What triggered it?" I questioned.

That was when the stranger spoke up, "That is a story for another time. Hello, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner, I'm a friend of Tony's. It's very nice to meet you, Bella."

"It's nice to meet you as well Dr. Banner," I replied.

"Please, just call me Bruce." He responded.

"Bruce, I have to tell her. It isn't fair to keep secrets from the ones you love." Uncle Tony whispered.

"I just don't want you to have another panic attack. Need I remind you what happened last week." Bruce countered.

As I watched the exchange between Bruce and my godfather, I couldn't help but be confused. Tony had helped me so much over the years. Held me as I cried from nightmares, picked me up when I have fallen, and so much more. I want to be there for him too. I only came out of my thoughts when my name was said.

"Bella, I am going to tell you something that happened a couple of years ago. To be more exact it happened a couple of months before I became Iron Man. You were so little when this happened, you were just six years old at the time. I was in Afghanistan demonstrating a new weapon for the military. The convoy I was with was attacked, and I was captured. They wanted me to build them Jericho, the weapon I was demonstrating, but I refused. When I refused, they tortured me. There are still somethings today that I can't do without having a panic attack." Uncle Tony explained to me.

"Uncle Tony, I'm so sorry." I cried as I pulled him into my arms.

"Why are you sorry?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry because I couldn't be there for you."

"Trust me Bells, you were there for me, still are. Let's focus on you, what are you planning to do now?" he reassured.

"She's going back to school." Charlie declared.

"I can't stay in Forks Charlie. I just can't." I pleaded.

"You have to finish school," Charlie responded.

"Already done. The only reason I'm attending high school is to appear normal. I already have three PhDs. I'm working on my fourth." I exclaimed.

"You never told me that. I'm so proud of you." Uncle Tony expressed with such pride and admiration.

"Where are you going to go?" Charlie questioned.

"I don't know. But what I do know is, it will be anywhere but here. I love you, Charlie, I do, but there are so many memories here. I need time." I cried.

"She can stay with me. She will have an entire floor to herself, like her apartment. She could help me and Bruce in the labs. Or she can find a part-time job somewhere." Uncle Tony offered.

"You mean it, Uncle Tony?" I timidly asked.

"Of course, I do. You know you are always welcomed to stay with me." Tony answered.

I hugged my godfather as tight as I could. When I let go, I went to start packing my things. As I was packing, I threw away everything the Cullen's gave me and everything that reminded me of him. I wasn't even halfway done before someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I called out.

"You know you should rest. You can finish tomorrow." my godfather said as he walked in.

"You're right. Good night Uncle Tony."

"Good night Bells."

~Time Skip~

I was running through the woods. She's coming after me and I can't escape. I suddenly see Edward standing there looking at the river, lost in thought. When I reached him, he didn't notice me.

"Edward!" I cried out.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know that you are not wanted here?" he seethed.

"What do you mean? Don't you love me?" I asked.

"No, I don't. I never did. You were just a distraction."

I was devastated. I thought he loved me. I heard some leaves and twigs being crushed. I looked around and saw that Edward was done and I fiery redhead staring at me. She lunged at me and all I could feel was pain; burning, searing, pain.


"Bells, sh. Calm down. It was just a dream." I heard someone say.

I tried to calm down and breathe. I focused on the words that Uncle Tony was saying. How could he leave me when she's still after me?" after a few more minutes I calmed down enough to pull away from him a little.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony asked.


"Alright. Let's finish getting you packed."

Whenever I threw something out Uncle Tony didn't question it. It took us an hour to pack my things, which wasn't very much after I did my purge. I sat down on my bed and thought for a minute. Maybe Uncle Tony could help me? Should I tell him? What if he thinks I'm crazy?

"What's on your mind kiddo?" Tony inquired.

"I want to tell you something, but I'm not sure if it would help," I answered.

"Even if it doesn't help, I'll always listen. No matter how crazy it sounds."

"My dream earlier, I was being chased in the woods. Suddenly Edward was there, he said he never loved me, that I was just a distraction. Then he was gone and the girl who was chasing me was right there. Right before you woke me up, all I could feel was the pain. I think that this dream wasn't just a dream, but a warning that she is coming after me, and soon." I explained.

"Who was she? Why do you think she is coming after you?" he questioned.

"It's not an 'I think', it's an 'I know'. She wants revenge."

"Again, why?"

"Because of what happened in Phoenix."

"Tell me the whole story please."

Revised 4/17/20

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