Chapter 4

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~Tony's POV~

As soon as we were on the plane I sat down on the loveseat. Bella sat next to me and laid her head in my lap, immediately falling asleep. Once Bruce saw us, a small smile graced his face. But with that smile, I also saw something in his eyes. Something was on his mind. Before I could ask him about it, he started asking me about Bella.

"How is Bella's relationship with her mother? I know it's not my pale to ask, so you don't have to answer." Bruce asked.

"Bella has always had to be a middle-aged person growing up, always making sure the bills were paid on time, making sure there was food in the house, and clothes on her and Renée's backs. Charlie always said that whenever she was with me that she had a childish gleam in her eyes that she never had otherwise. I honestly think Charlie should've been the one to keep her when she was a child. Yeah, Charlie is busy with work, but he would have made sure that Bella could have been the kid she always was with me." I replied.

"I think I should have come and lived with you," Bella stated out of the blue.

"I thought you were asleep," I said.

"I couldn't. But in all honesty, you and Pepper were the ones who raised me. I acted as the child I should've been. The Disney movies, Coney Island, the tea partied, not worrying about the bills or if there was food in the house. The summer that I stayed with you was, and still is, the best summer of my life." She answered.

I was about to say something when Bruce interrupted, "Is that why you don't call Charlie 'dad'?"

"Charlie is great. I love him, and I know he loves me. But he is always busy with work. He's also not good at dealing with emotions. That's why when I needed someone to talk about emotions with, I went to Angela-my best friend in Forks- because she would help me with anything I was dealing with. I would also try and help her when she needed it." She responded.

"You know you could've called me or Pepper, right?" I inquired.

"I know but you can only do emotions when you're drunk. And I didn't want to disturb Pepper because I know she's busy." Bella replied.

"I have no problem getting drunk if it would help you with a problem, and Pepper always puts down anything and everything when you needed her." I reminded her.

She just smiled and nodded her head. We spent the rest of the flight in silence. Bella reading some books she brought with her, Bruce doing something on his tablet, and me touching base with Pepper about when we would take Bella out shopping for clothes and furniture for her floor at the tower. I looked down at Bella to see her asleep. That's good she needed it.

When we landed in New York, forty minutes later, Bella was still asleep. I wanted her to stay asleep since she didn't get any last night. So, I picked her up bridal style and walked outside, where I met Pepper. Once she saw Bella asleep in my arms she turned and opened the car door. As soon as I set her down she started showing signs of a nightmare. I immediately woke her up ad hugged her tight. I felt her pull away so I let go and smiled.

"Welcome home Bells," I said.

~Bella's POV~

I wiped my eyes and giggle at Uncle Tony. I greeted Pepper and Happy. It was so good to be home. I knew I was going to have to go shopping with Pepper soon, so I told her that we could go next week. It was then that we pulled up to the tower. We went straight to the communal living room, and I was shocked to see all the Avengers sitting in the kitchen chatting away. I had the perfect way to introduce myself. I walked with confidence into the kitchen and grabbed a blueberry muffin. As soon as I took a bite, everyone was silent. I decided to break the silence by saying hi.

"Who the hell are you?" a guy with brown hair shouted.

"What are you doing here?" the girl with red hair asked.

"One question at a time, please. My name is Isabella Swan, but I prefer Bella. As to why I am here, that's for me to know and you to find out." I quipped.

"Good one Princess," J.A.R.V.I.S. called out.

"Thanks, J," I replied.

"That was perfect Bells." Tony laughed as he put an arm around my shoulder.

"Man of Iron, who is this fair maiden?" a guy with long blonde hair, said rather loudly.

"Well, she said her name was Bells. And she is my goddaughter, who will be staying with me for a while." Tony responded.

"How come we didn't know you had a goddaughter?" a guy with the dreamiest blue eyes asked.

"I like to stay away from the spotlight and any attention, Uncle Tony knows as much and has never said anything about me to help keep me safe," I answered.

"Well since my little girl is going to be living here, introductions should be made," Tony announced.

"I'm Natasha aka the Black Widow. It's nice to meet you." the girl with red hair greeted.

"Lady Bella, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Thor." Replied the guy with the long blonde hair that speaks loudly.

"Don't mind Thor, he always talks that loud. I'm Clint aka Hawkeye, but you may call me whatever you would like." The guy with the brown hair stated.

"Okay, Katniss," I said as Clint started blubbering and everyone else was laughing.

"It's nice to meet you, Bella, I'm Steve aka Captain America." The guy with dreamy blue arms said.

"It is nice to meet you all as well. I am going to put my stuff in my room and settle in. I'll also be cooking dinner tonight, is spaghetti okay?" I responded.

"Of course. Let me give you a hand with everything." Steve offered.

"Thanks, Steve," I replied.

While we carried my stuff to my floor, we kept asking each other questions trying to get to know one another. I told him that I like to read, both classics and some modern stuff. He even admitted that he liked reading but was finding it difficult to adjust to the modern stuff. I smiled and told him that I would love to help him adjust to any aspect of the 21st century. He surprised me by pulling me into a bone-crushing hug, kind of like the wolves' hugs. When he let me go he thanked me for the help and apologized for the tight hug.

Revised 4/17/20

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