Chapter 6

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While J.A.R.V.I.S. was tracking where the Cullens and Victoria are, everyone else was getting ready for a fight.

"I want to go with you," I announced.

"No way. You don't have a suit and I don't have time to build one. I also don't want you anywhere near them, especially him." Tony replied.

"Uncle Tony listen to me; this is my fight. They hurt me, and I want to be there to hurt them. I need this Uncle Tony." I pleaded.

"Exactly how are you going to defend yourself?" Steve questioned.

"Simple. I know Tony has a few vampire grade weapons in the lab, so I will use one of those." I stated matter-of-factly.

Everyone either rolled their eyes or sighed when I drug Tony down to the labs. I was surprised when Nat and Pepper followed. I didn't have to wonder why for too long because before we reached the labs, I was pulled into another room.

"Since Tony can't have you a suit ready in time. We will give you an outfit like mine and do your hair, as well as your makeup." Nat explained.

"Why are you going to do my hair and makeup?" I asked.

"To make a statement," Pepper answered.

I just nodded my head and let them give me a makeover of sorts. Twenty minutes later, my hair was neatly curled, and the makeup was pretty basic; foundation, concealer, a pinkish eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, and a hint of blush. It looked fantastic. The outfit they gave me was a pair of black leather pants, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. When we finally walked into the labs, Tony looked up and said.

"Dam Bells. If I didn't know you, I would swear you could kill me." Tony laughed.

"Thanks, Tony. So which weapon are you giving me?" I responded.

"Vampire taser, knife, and acid grenade."


"Sir, I have located the Cullen's. Should I alert the team?" J.A.R.V.I.S. announced.

"Yes. Anything on Victoria?"

"Not yet."

With that we all boarded onto, what I assume is, the aircraft they use for missions and took off.

"Well since this will be an hour flight, how about we play a game?" Clint suggested.

"Ok, twenty questions?" I put out there.

"Great idea. Bells, your idea, you go first." Tony responded.

"Sure. Favorite color? Mine's blue."

"Red." Tony and Thor said.

"Black," Nat answered.

"Purple," Clint replied.

"Mine's blue as well," Steve responded.

"Me next, favorite movie? Mine is Lord of the Rings." Clint asked.

I got a Superman from Thor, Sherlock Holmes from Tony, Steve likes Wizard of Oz, and Nat doesn't have a favorite movie. Mine is any Harry Potter or Hallmark Christmas move. This continues on for a little bit, until we got bored with it. J.A.R.V.I.S. then let us know that the Cullen's location was a few minutes out. I tried to get myself mentally prepared for this. I could tell that everyone else was too. I don't think I'll be able to forgive them for what they have done to me, but maybe I'll get some closure. Before I knew it, we were landing in a clearing. I wondered where they were but I didn't have to worry about it for long, because they found us.

"Bella, love." I heard Edward call out.

"I am not your love, nor will I ever be." I seethed.

"Bella darling, what has gotten into you?" Esme asked with some concern, which I knew was fake.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I just remembered a lesson from a long time ago. Every Stark can solve any problem with four things; a smirk, a sharp phrase, some sass, and our middle fingers raised." I declared.

"You're a Swan, not a Stark." Rosalie snapped.

"Wrong. I have always been a Stark, just as I have always been a Swan." I shot back.

"Can we get to kicking these vampires' asses?" Clint whined.

"I'm not stopping you, so what is?" I quipped.

"You bitch!" Rosalie exclaimed as she lunged at me.

Thankfully she was intercepted by Steve. I then saw Uncle Tony fly past me, straight towards Edward and punched him in the face. The Hulk was facing off Emmett, while Nat put Esme out of commission. Carlisle then joined the fight seeing his mate injured. Suddenly, I was hit by some bricks, blonde bricks to be exact. So, I grabbed the knife and cut her cheek, to her surprise, then I cut off her arm. When Emmett saw his mate hurt, he tried to go after her, but that just gave the Hulk the perfect opportunity to tear Emmett to bits. Edward then ran towards me and grabbed me by the throat.

"I will make you a submissive mate, just you wait and see." He threatened.

"Never." I declared while hitting him with the taser.

Then Steve came over and grabbed Edward to have his turn beating him to a pulp. I looked around and saw that Clint was taking care of Jasper, while Nat took care of Alice. Esme was still out of commission. Tony has Carlisle, Emmett and the Hulk have been locked into a wrestling match. The only one I didn't see was Rosalie, but that didn't last long because she took her turn to throttle me around like a rag doll. I managed to taser her and the cut off on arm and her other hand. When she screamed everything stopped for a moment until Emmett came running over. The Hulk then grabbed him and ripped his head off. When I looked at Edward, I saw Clint taking his turn with him, stabbing him with his arrows and shoving a plain stick up Edward's ass. Nat came over having put Alice down for the count and sliced his manhood off in one go. Now that was awesome. The Cullens just stopped and stared at seeing one of their oldest members in this shape. That didn't last long because the Hulk then had his turn. And oh boy, Hulk did smash. He smashed a lot. I tried so hard to commit this to memory.

"Now this is what happened when you hurt one of us. We come and avenge. Keep in mind if you do this to anyone else, we will find out and we will finish the job." Tony announced.

Steve then walked over to me, asking if I was alright. I was but I could sleep for several hours. Bruce was now back and he gave one look at me and guided me to a corner to make sure I wasn't injured any worse. I did get throttled by two vampires in less than an hour. After that was over, I sat down next to Steve and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Revised 4/17/20

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