Chapter 33

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~Bella's POV~

When the elevator doors opened, I saw everyone sitting at the island. I also noticed a basket of muffins on the counter. So just like when I first got here, I walked over with such determination that I made it to the counter to grab the muffin and lean against the opposite counter, just as I did my first day here. Once everyone noticed me, I was engulfed in hugs. There was quite a bit of crying from me and everyone else.

"Can I sit down now? And eat this muffin?" I asked.

With that everyone scrambled to get me into the living room on the couch, and Steve brought me a glass of water.

"What happened?" Tony questioned.

"Can this wait so I can look her over to make sure there are no more injuries of any kind?" Bruce inquired.

"I'm not hurt physically, as far as I know, Carlisle looked me over, but he couldn't tell if any of my injuries worsened from the kidnapping. Edward did give me some sort of sedative that had me knocked out for almost two days. I also haven't eaten anything besides this muffin. I didn't trust him to not put anything in the food," I explained.

"The Cullens kidnaped you again?" Natasha asked.

"Just Edward and Alice. When the rest of the family found out, they helped me get home."

"This means that we didn't turn them to ash last time, right?" Clint responded.


"How did Steve know to pick you up?" Tony inquired.

"I told Steve most of this, so he will explain everything that I told him. Thor, will you help me to my room? I want to go to sleep."

"Of course, Sister," Thor stated and picked me up bridal-style to carry me to my bed.

When Thor laid me down, he pulled a blanket on me and said, "It is good to have you home Sister, sleep well."

With that, I fell asleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up to see that everyone was asleep in my room. Steve and Tony were on either side of me, Nat was on the floor leaning against the foot of the bed, Clint was curled up on the end of the bed, and Thor was in the chair. I smiled at my family and tried to get up without waking any of them.

After a few tries, I finally gave up. I heard a rustling noise beside me, and see Steve start to stir. I took the opportunity to elbow him.

"Hm?" Steve groaned as he woke up.

"Let me up," I whispered.

Steve nodded and sat up, on the bed, so I could crawl off. I grabbed a change of clothes and headed for a shower. When I came out, I noticed that everyone was up.

"Good morning, everyone," I greeted.

"After breakfast, I want to give you an examination, to make sure everything is healing properly and that there are no new broken bones or other injuries," Bruce informed me.

"As I said last night, Carlisle looked me over. He said that I needed to keep boots on my leg. I think I might be a little dehydrated because I was out for roughly two days, and when I woke up, I didn't eat or drink anything. I only had that muffin I ate last night," I explained.

"I can check and see how dehydrated you are. If I need to, I can put in an IV," I followed Bruce to the med bay.

~Time Skip~

Bruce didn't quite give me a clean bill of health since my leg still needed to be in a boot and I had to be hooked up to an IV for a couple hours. After the IV was taken out, nobody let me do anything. I understand that they were scared of losing me, but I am fine. I just want to do something. An idea just sparked in my head, Steve and Uncle Tony both own at least one motorcycle, I bet Nat does too. If I could swipe a set of keys, I could go for a drive.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., does Uncle Tony have a set of motorcycle keys somewhere?" I asked.

"He does Princess, but I am not going to tell you. You are still injured, and shouldn't be driving at all," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied.

"Ugh, then what shall I do J?"

"Maybe watch a movie with Capsicle or Sir.

"Thanks, J."

Revised 4/17/20

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