Chapter 11

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As I reached the meadow, it was almost noon. I looked around and saw Victoria at the far edge. I walked a little closer, in sight of where the wolves should be hiding.

"Bella, so good to see you again." Victoria greeted.

"Wish I could say the same." I snarked.

When Victoria came forward, I pulled out the taser and shot her. I smiled when I saw her on her back, writhing in pain. I grabbed the knife and cut a portion of her leg off. I signaled for everyone to finish her off. Her screams were like music to my ears. I got justice for my mom and Phil, and she won't be threatening me or anyone I love anymore. When Uncle Tony lit Victoria's body parts on fire, I walked over to the wolves, particularly Sam and Jake, and leaned into them.

"Bella, get away from them!" I heard someone yell.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because whatever those things are, they are dangerous." Uncle Tony stated.

"They won't hurt me. I'm their favorite. Isn't that right?" I responded, the last part towards Jake.

Jake just nodded his head, and so did a few of the other wolves. I noticed that Jake was kneeling like he wanted me to get on his back. I asked for a little clarification and when he nodded again, I climbed on.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Clint asked, bow and arrow at the ready.

"If you shoot Clint, I will not be responsible for what happens to you." I seethed.

"Why are you protecting these things?" Steve asked,

"The wolves are not 'things', they are people too!" I exclaimed.

I motioned for the pack to start running before things got out of hand. Thankfully Sam listened and barked, probably letting them know to start running home. I love running with the wolves, well riding on one of their backs while they run. Once we reached Sam and Emily's, I hopped off and headed inside while the pack phased back. I immediately started making small talk with Emily while helping her fix the boys some food. When the boys came in, they all came and hugged me. Some asked how I was feeling with Victoria gone and my mini fight with the Avengers.

"Honestly, I am happy that Victoria is gone. Justice is finally served for Renee and Phil, and the countless other people that she has murdered. The fight with the Avengers, I don't know how I feel about that. I'm upset that they don't trust me and that they think I'm some porcelain doll that needs to be held with caution. I'm not, and I've had enough of that kind of treatment to last a lifetime. I love you guys and I will always be on your side, no matter what. I just met the Avengers three days ago. Except for Tony, I've known him all my life." I explained.

"We get it Bells. Trust me, we do. You are more than welcome to stay here if you want, as long as you want. You are a part of this pack, apart from this family." Sam expressed with sincerity.

I started crying and fell into their arms for more hugs. After a few minutes, I pulled away and dried my eyes. I went to help Emily serve everyone, but was surprised when the boys sat us down and served us instead. After we ate, I asked one of the boys to go to my house and pack my clothes and toiletries. Emily offered to go with Jake because she would know what I would need. Sam went to grab some of Emily's clothes so I could shower. I thanked him and took a shower. By the time I got out, Charlie called to ask how I was doing. I told him I was fine, and that I was staying with Emily for a few days. When I hung up, Emily and Jake were back with three bags, two full of clothes and the other full of toiletries. I put them in the guest room and unpacked.

"Bells, we are starting a movie," Jake informed me.

"Be there in a second."

Turns out we were watching the fifth Fast and Furious movie. Slowly I started to doze off, so was everyone else. In the end, we all ended up having a massive sleepover in Sam and Emily's living room.

Revised 4/17/20

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