Chapter 31

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~Steve's POV~

It's been 24 hours, and we were heading to their last known location. It took some pleading but they allowed me to come on the condition that I stay in the quinjet. When we arrived, the team went out to look for them while I stayed put. I made sure that the medical equipment Brue brought was ready for when they got back. A few hours later I received a text from Steve's phone. 'A few minutes out, go and ahead and open the cargo door.' In my enthusiasm to see them alive, I forgot that Uncle Tony could do a voice recognition to open the doors. When I opened the doors myself, I was greeted with bright lights and a small pinch in my neck.

~Steve's POV~

Tony was the first to find us. I immediately asked about Bella, Tony said that she was fine and in the quinjet waiting for us. When we arrived at the quinjet we found that the cargo doors were opened and Bella was gone. After Bruce patched us up, we started looking for who took her and where to. J.A.R.V.I.S. said that the security footage was down at the time Bella was taken. We flew back to New York to widen our search and to look at every security camera in existence to see if anyone of them saw her at some point.

~Bella's POV~

When I came to, I wasn't tied to the chair. Instead, I was placed carefully on a bed. As soon as I looked around the room, I immediately recognized it as Edward's bedroom in Forks. I quickly went downstairs to see the whole family sitting there.

"How could you kidnap me again?! I have made it clear that I want nothing to do with any of you!" I exclaimed.

"Because I love you and missed you," Edward replied.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Love," I made sure to annunciate each word separately.

"Are you hungry dear?" Esme asked.

"How could you condone this Esme? Carlisle?"

"You are our daughter. I know how Edward brought you here was wrong, but we missed," Esme replied.

"Then you call me, not kidnap me again! Speaking of, how the hell did you escape the last time?" I shouted.

"Doesn't matter, all that does matter is that you are where you belong."

"I will never belong to you," I stalked back upstairs to the room that they had set aside for me when I used to come over. I locked the door, even though I know that it won't stop them, but I am hoping that they will respect me enough to leave me alone for now. I know he took my phone from me, so I can't call for help. I'll sit in here until I can either convince one of them to take me home, or my family comes to find me. I have also decided to not eat anything they give me. Edward drugged me and kidnapped me, so I wouldn't put it past him to put something in my food. I heard a knock at my door and asked who it was.

"It's Carlisle. Can I come in?"

I walk over to unlock and open the door.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"I just wanted to apologize. I know that this is wrong, but Edward truly loves you. I love you like a daughter."

"Why couldn't you just call me? I would have answered if it were anybody but Edward and Alice."

"I know, but why not Edward and Alice?"

"Edward left me alone to die in the woods, and as for Alice she went against me more times than I could count," I admitted.

"He left you in the woods Who found you, how long did it take, how bad were you hurt?" he questioned

"Three days until my godfather found me. I was severely dehydrated, had hypothermia, some cuts and bruises, a sprained wrist and a twisted ankle. I almost immediately left with my godfather back to New York. Did you now know that he just left me there?"

"No, he said he made sure you were safe at home. I guess that was a lie."

Carlisle made a move to hug me, but I stopped him and explained that I had some damaged ribs.

"How? Also, may I check them over?" I nodded my consent and went to explain.

"I was in Seattle on a date and as we were heading back to the car, I saw a little boy on the road and there was an oncoming car that didn't plan to stop. I rushed over and pushed the boy out of the way, in the process I was hit by the car. Fast forward a few days and I was sleeping with the dame guy; nothing came about we just fell asleep next to each other. He had a nightmare and hugged me close to him a little too tightly. He feels terrible about it though."

"You've had an eventful couple of weeks, haven't you? I took the liberty and made sure nothing else was wrong. Your leg seems to be healing nicely but should still be in a boot. Do you have one?"

"I had one but when we went overseas to make sure they were okay; I had left it at home so he didn't have to worry about me," I admitted.

"Who's he? They? Why did you go overseas?"

I didn't want to say it out loud so I grabbed a pad of paper and wrote down Steve's name and everything that happened last week and today. I also asked if there was any way that he could help me get home. Carlisle nodded his head and grabbed the paper and wrote, 'Edward and Alice are going hunting tonight. The rest of us don't agree with you being here against your will. One of us will help you get to New York.' I smiled and thanked him. 

Revised 4/17/20

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