Chapter 12

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~Tony's POV~

"Bella, get away from them!" I yelled.

She was leaning against these things; I think they are animals.

"Why?" Bella asked.

"Because whatever those things are, they are dangerous," I stated.

"They won't hurt me. I'm their favorite. Isn't that right?" she responded, half to me, half to the things she is trying to protect.

When a few of them nodded their massive heads, she laughed. The russet-colored one she was standing next to, knelt and she got on its back. She acts like she has done this before. I saw Capsicle motion for Barton to raise his bow.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Barton asked, aiming at one of the things.

"If you shoot Clint, I will not be responsible for what happens to you." She seethed. I couldn't believe she was protecting these things. Were they controlling her somehow?

"Why are you protecting these things?" Capsicle asked, voicing my thoughts and concerns.

"The wolves are not 'things', they are people too!" she exclaimed.

With that Bella motioned for them to run. She was running away from us. Why? Where was she going? I attempted to follow but Steve held me back.

"Are we letting those wolves just take her?" I screamed.

"Of course not. She went willingly with them. We will give her some space until she's ready."

"What if she never comes back?" I yelled.

I got into my suit and flew off towards Bella's house, hoping she would be there. She wasn't, but some friends of hers came over and grabbed some of her clothes. I tried asking where she was and if she was okay. The only response I for was that she was fine, a little upset, but fine. I knew I should give her some space, but I'm worried about my goddaughter. If she isn't home by tomorrow, I will go and look for her.

~Bella's POV~

After breakfast and a trip to the beach with the pack. I decided it was time to face the Avengers. I asked Sam if he could give me a ride, he agreed. Once we got to my house, I asked if he could come inside with me. He said he was going to anyways, whether I asked him to or not. I turned the door handle to find it unlocked. We stepped inside and headed for the kitchen, to see Uncle Tony and Steve sitting at the table.

"Hi." I greeted, a little awkwardly.

When Tony looked up, he rushed over and hugged me.

"Thank gods, you are okay." Uncle Tony said.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I hugged him back.

"Where were you?" Steve asked.

"She was with me and my fiancée," Sam spoke up.

"Why didn't you call?" Tony questioned.

"I couldn't face you guys after I left," I responded.

"You could've talked to us you know. We wouldn't have been angry or upset with you." Steve replied.

"I know. It's just that, I didn't know how you would have reacted about the wolves." I admitted.

"Bella, listen to me. Yes, we might not know these wolves that you ran off with, but we ultimately trust you. We don't know enough about you or what you have been through. Tony might know what you have been through, but we don't, so we can't judge or make assumptions." Steve stated.

I just nodded my head. I was surprised though when Steve came over and hugged me. I didn't want to let go. We only pulled away when Tony cleared his throat. Sam spoke up and said that they were going to have a picnic in a few hours if we wanted to join them. I immediately agreed, and asked if there was going to be cliff diving, Sam said possibly. I asked Tony and Steve if they wanted to come. They nodded and told me that they would let Clint and Natasha know. Sam said his goodbyes, and I told him that I would bring my brownies. Steve said that Clint and Natasha were still at the store, so I grabbed his phone and told Natasha what to grab for my brownies.

Revised 4/17/20

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