Chapter 32

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~Bella's POV~

It is now midnight, Edward and Alice have left to hunt, thinking I was asleep. As soon as they were out of hearing range, Carlisle came to get me. The plan was for Emmett to drive me to Seattle airport and I was to board a flight to New York. From there, someone will call one of my family members to pick me up.

"I'm so sorry about this Bella. For leaving, for Edward kidnapping you, again," Esme cried.

"It's not your fault. You didn't want to turn against him because he is your family. I understand that and I can forgive you all because I know you did not have anything to do with this. Call me anytime you want. All of you," I gave a pointed look at Rosalie.

"Why are you giving me that look?" She asked.

"Because the call me anytime is also for you."

Rosalie came up to me and gave me a hug. With that Emmett and I left for Seattle. The flight was for 6 a.m. It will take three hours to drive there, and by the time I go through security, it will be time to board. On the way to the airport, Emmett explained that he came by to see if I was okay but it was after I moved to New York. I told him that I missed him and wished he would come and see me in New York. With that he let me sleep for a while.

~Two hours later~

"Bella? We're here. Wake up."

I woke up to see that we were at the airport. I smiled at him and thanked him for driving me here. He explained that he is going to make sure I make it through security and onto the plane safely. We went through airport security and as expected by the time we made it through it was time for me to board the plane.

"I'm going to miss you, Bells. If you ever need anything, just call and I'll start running."

"I'm going to miss you too. Remember you can call me anytime, I will answer."

I gave him one more hug and boarded the plane.

~Steve's POV~

It has been three days since anyone has seen Bella. Every camera we searched, there was no sign of her. How can someone make her disappear like that? The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. It was a number I didn't recognize.


"Is this Steve, Bella's Steve?" someone on the other end asked.

"Were you the one who took her? I swear if you hurt her, I will track you down and beat you black and blue," I seethed.

"One, I would never hurt Bella. She's my sister. I am calling to tell you that I, along with a few others, rescued her and she is now on a plane for New York. Her landing time is around 10 o'clock later this morning."

"Oh, thank God. Do you know who took her? Why was she taken?" I asked.

"That is for Bella to answer. I know she loves you and judging by your reactions, you love her too. So, I know you will never hurt her on purpose or at all. If you do my family and I will come after you. Bella means a lot to us," this man responded.

"Thank you. Will she be able to confirm who you are?" I questioned.

"Of course, she will. Can you call this number when Bella arrives, please? I want to make sure she is okay."

"I will. I will also use that to confirm who you are with Bella," I stated.

"I didn't expect anything less. I'll be waiting for your call," with that he hung up.

I looked at the time and saw that she would be landing in three and a half hours, so I drove to the airport and waited by the gate for her. No one questioned when Captain America walked right through airport security straight to whatever terminal she would come out of. I sat there for three hours. Occasionally a few people walked over to ask for an autograph. I didn't have the heart to turn them down because they were all kids.

At 10 o'clock, the flight from Seattle landed and people started to get off the plane. I stood up and looked for Bella. She was one of the last ones out, I could tell she was weak. When she saw me, her face lit up and she raced towards me. On the last few steps, she collapsed from either exhaustion or relief, I don't know, but I carried her to the car with her face hidden from other people.

"Bella, can you hear me?" I inquired.

"I missed you so much. I was so scared that you were hurt. When I heard that explosion, I thought you were gone," she cried.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere for a while. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I don't think so. I know he gave me some sedatives, and I didn't eat anything in case he put something in it. How did you know I was going to be here?"

"Someone claiming to be your brother called me. Speaking of which, he wants me to call him back to make sure you are okay."

I called the number back, and Bella took my phone out of my hand and put it on speaker.

"Belly Bean? You there?" the man from earlier questioned.

"Yeah, Emmy bear, I'm here," whose 'Emmy bear'? Why did he call her 'Belly bean'?

"Your boyfriend there?"

"Yep. So, Emmet behave, I mean it. How did they react when they found out I was gone?"

"Not too well. Soldier boy had to restrain them, and Soldier boy broke his leg and her arm."

"I'm so proud of him. Wait, I thought they were together?" I am so confused. What are they talking about?

"She lied to him, and he lied to you. After we left, we figured out that they weren't together and that she lied. Then after this fiasco, we learned that he lied to you as well and that he and she are really together." What's going on?!

"Hold up. He lied to me about that? Then why did he want me? What did I do to him?"

"I don't know Bells. I bet that Steve is very confused right now. I'll let you explain things to him. Would you like me to stay on the phone or call me later?"

"I'll call you later Emmy bear. Love ya."

"Love you too, Belly bean," with that she hung up.

"Who was that? What was that conversation?" I asked.

"How about you start driving while I explain? I would like to go home and have Bruce look me over," she offered.

I started driving and Bella explained. Apparently, Emmet was the one on the phone and the 'she' and 'he' Bella was referring to was Alice and Edward. They were the ones who kidnapped her, then when the rest of the family found out, they helped her escape. Soldier boy was a man named Jasper; he was actually in the military. Alice and Jasper were supposed to be together but Alice lied to him and was dating Edward. Edward lied to Bella, making her think that he loved her, but in reality, Edward was in love with Alice and they were together behind everyone's back. After she finished explaining everything, we pulled into the tower.

I got out of the car first and went to help Bella out. Bella being stubborn tried to get out herself, but fell as soon as she let go of the door. Thankfully I was an arm's length away and caught her.

"Thanks. I guess my legs are still not completely healed yet. Let's go upstairs and face the music," she said.

"You do know that you are not the one at fault here. This was Edward and Alice's fault. It was their decision to kidnap you," I declared.

"I know. But I should have known better after I received that text from your phone, I let my guard down and opened the door. I was so excited to see you guys alive that I didn't think of the possibility of that not being you," she admitted.

"I lost my phone in the explosion. But that wasn't your fault either. Now enough of this blaming yourself and let's go tell the family that you are okay."

"I'm not sure about the okay part, but I am alive and not getting turned into a vampire."

It was silent in the elevator; I was supporting most of Bella's weight because she could barely stand on her own two feet. Once the elevator doors opened, we saw the team huddled around the island in the kitchen. Bella had a smirk on her face and with great determination, she walked to the island and grabbed a muffin. As she bit into it, the rest of the family noticed her and wrapped her in hugs.

Revised 4/17/20

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