Chapter 13

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I pull into the parking lot at First Beach. We had to take two cars because of all the brownies, blankets, and chairs.

"THE BROWNIES ARE HERE!!" I heard someone yell.

With that, I was surrounded by the pack begging for my brownies. I told them to go wait by the fire or that they wouldn't get any.

"They must love your brownies. Is that why you made so much?" Steve asked carrying several boxes of my brownies.

"Yes, to both of those. I always make sure to make more than enough so that there is no fighting. I believe that they would kill each other over my brownies." I responded.

I passed out the boxes to everyone and went to help Emily set everything else up. Thor and Clint were carrying the chairs and blankets down. Tony set them up, in what he calls a tasteful setup. Natasha was talking with Kim and Leah. Clint and Thor were with some of the pack kicking around a ball. Tony was walking with Sam. Steve surprised Emily and me by helping us set up the assembly line. Steve and Emily started some small talk, I only joined when I had something to add, so I mainly listened. By listening though I learned a bit about Steve. What it was like for him to grow up in the 40s, how he was doing now, and some of his hobbies. Steve asked about some of my hobbies, and I answered with reading, cliff-diving, and hanging with the guys.

"What's cliff-diving exactly? This is the second time you have mentioned it today." Steve questioned.

"It's what it sounds like. We jump off of those cliffs," pointing to said cliffs, "and land in the water. Most people jump off of the ledge that is halfway down, but we jump from the top."

"Will we be doing that today?"

"I don't know. If we do, it will be after we eat. Speaking of which, it's time to eat."

The ladies, Clint, and Tony went first, then Steve, Thor, and Bruce went next, and finally, the pack came in last. The wolves don't eat as much as Steve, but they eat more than Bruce. The Avengers were shocked at how much they were eating, but Emily, Kim, and I just rolled our eyes. When everyone was done the pack cleaned up. It's the unspoken rule, whoever doesn't cook or helps set up, cleans up. Meaning that the pack normally cleans up. Sam announced that we were going to go cliff-diving.

"Shouldn't the newbies start on the ledge, not the top?" Paul asked.

"I think they will be fine," I spoke up.

We started the hike to the cliff. With every step closer, the more excited I got. When we finally reached the top, we explained to the Avengers the rules. Always come with another person, never by yourself, first-time jump feet first, and don't fight the currents. I explained that the one time I went alone, I nearly died, that if it wasn't for Jake being on the beach and noticing that I didn't come up, I would be dead right now.

"Who's going first?" Seth inquired.

"I will." Embry volunteered.

One by one we each jumped. I went after Embry and did a swan dive, probably giving the Avengers a heart attack. Members of the pack quickly jumped, then Steve jumped first out of the Avengers, then Thor, next were Clint and Natasha, and finally the science bros. After a few more jumps, the Avengers and I went to pack up our belongings. I still had to cook dinner for everyone, and Charlie was supposed to be home this evening, I think. On the drive back, I was asked questions on how often I go cliff-diving, and stuff about the pack. It got worse when we walked into the house because Natasha asked why I got so defensive about the wolves yesterday.

I couldn't tell them that the guys they just hung out with were those very same wolves. So, I answered with, "The wolves have saved me multiple times, and we consider each other friends."

I then told them that they could order pizza before walking to my room. I needed one of my furry friends. I called Jake and asked if he could come to the woods outside my house. He agreed, so I climbed out of the window and went to wait for him to arrive. I didn't give Jake enough time to phase back before I launched myself at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his paw on my back. I started crying and explained what happened before I called him.

When I heard him growl, I questioned, "They are right behind us aren't they?" Jake just nodded his big head.

"I'm sorry that I upset you, Bella. I just wanted to know why you were so attached to them." Natasha apologized.

"Is there a wat he can talk to us?" Tony asked.

"That's his choice," I said while stroking his fur. Jake and I whipped our heads around when we heard a howl.

"Go," I told him.

Watching him run off, I told the team that his alpha called him back. I sat there and answered some more of their questions. I noticed that a grey colored wolf, Leah, was approaching. She kneeled beside me, wanting me to get on her back. I told the team that I would be back soon. Then I ran off with Leah, probably meeting up with the pack. I hopped off Leah's back when we reached the packhouse and walked inside.

"Bella, I am so sorry." Sam started.

"Why are you sorry? What's going on?" I asked when I noticed their sad faces.

"There is a problem..." 

Revised 4/17/20

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