Chapter 10

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"Thanks, Sam. One last question. What should I do with them?" I asked.

"That is up to you, Bells. You said they already know about vampires, and that they have weapons to combat them. They are your family if you want them there, or if you just want to tell them what you are about to do, that is completely up to you." Sam answered.

"If I tell them, they will come with me and could get killed. If I don't tell them, they will track me down and possibly get themselves killed anyways. Victoria is smart, but I doubt that she knows that I am the family of the Avengers. Let alone know who they are. So maybe, having them there would help take her down once and for all." I mused.

"Bella, just tell them. I can come for moral support if you need it." He offered.

"Would you?"

"Bella, you may not be a wolf or an imprint, but you are still apart of the pack. I will be there in a few minutes." And with that Sam hung up.

I didn't realize that some tears were running down my face. I had no idea that Sam thought of me that way. I walked into the kitchen, and everything was eerily silent. They more than likely noticed the tears falling down my face, and was worried about the two phone calls. I took a deep breath and told them to wait a few minutes before asking questions. I heard a car door shut and immediately knew it was Sam. So, I ran outside into his arms.

"It's going to be okay Bells." Sam soothed.

"I know. But I didn't know you thought that about me like that." I stated.

"You became a member of the pack when you helped so many of the pack with the smallest of things. Helping cover for them with their parents. Helping one realize how much of an ass he was and set him straight. Helped one with a job interview. Study for finals. Isabella Swan, these are just a few of the many things you have done. You are an amazing person. It is my honor to have you in the pack." Sam said sincerely.

I just buried myself further into the hug. After a few minutes, my tears stopped flowing and Sam pulled back a little. I lead him inside to the kitchen. This is going to be hard, really hard. How were they going to react about Victoria? If they found out about the wolves? I have to have faith that we can get through this. If not, at least I have the pack. They have always been my family.

"Bella, are you going to tell us what's up?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, I am. You guys have to promise to listen to everything I'm about to say. No interruptions. No judging. And absolutely no getting mad or upset with me. This isn't my fault, and never has been." I firmly announced.

After everyone promised to do as I asked. I took a breath and explained who Victoria was and a fraction of our history together. Then I looked to Sam for some reassurance, and when he nodded, I knew I was doing the right thing. I explained Victoria's phone call and my plan for it. When I finished, I looked at each of them for a reaction. They all exploded at once, and I half hid behind Sam. This was worse than the reaction that led to the Cullen smackdown. I guess Steve saw my half-hidden figure and ordered everyone to calm down. I was thankful because then Sam began to explain the reasoning behind my plan. After Sam finished, they saw how good of an idea it was. Sam said he was going to call a 'family' meeting and asked if I wanted to come. I told him that I was going to eat, show them where the meadow was, answer some questions, and try to get some sleep.

After Sam left, I was bombarded with questions. I ignored them all and finished eating. Nat and Clint saw what I was doing and got everyone to shut up. Once they were all quiet, I got out the map of the meadow. I pointed out how Victoria could smell anyone else there so we had to figure out a wat for them to mask their scents. Every question that was asked I answered to the best of my knowledge. After we had discussed every detail of the plan, I went to bed. It would take me five hours to hike to the meadow. I had packed a bag with water, food, and a first-aid kit.

When I woke up the next morning, I dressed in hiking boots, warm leggings, and a raincoat. Under the raincoat, I had some vampire grade knives, the vampire taser, and a few grenades. Once I walked downstairs, I smelled breakfast in the kitchen. Uncle Tony was waiting with a plate and a cup of coffee for me. I smiled and sat down to eat. I finished everything and went to gather my backpack while Uncle Tony rinsed my plate off and placed in in the dishwasher. Last night we decided that Uncle Tony would drive me to the head of the trail. I told Uncle Tony that I loved him and that I would see him in a few hours. As I got out of the car, I wiped a few tears from my face and started the journey to, hopefully, end Victoria for good.

Revised 4/17/20

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