Chapter 34

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~Bella's POV~

I didn't quite take J.A.R.V.I.S.'s advice. Instead, I went to my library. With the new system it didn't take long to find the book I wanted; Pride and Prejudice. In the middle of the library, there was a small table off to the side with several beanbags, pillows, and blankets spread around. I curled up and read for a few hours. I didn't realize that several hours had passed until Steve came up telling me that dinner was ready.

"It must be a pretty good book if you lost track of time," Steve commented.

"Yeah, it's one of my personal favorites," I responded.

The rest of the way to dinner was silent. I decided to break the silence by jumping on Steve's back.

"What was that for?" he laughed.

"It was too quiet and a little awkward. Is something going on?"

"I almost lost you, and it scared me. I love you so much and I don't want anything bad to happen to you," he admitted.

"Steve, I love you too. I am here because you saved me. It might not have been directly this last time, but you did. You saved me by loving me, showing me it was okay to love someone. I was fully prepared to give myself over to Victoria. But meeting you, meeting the family, you guys showed me what it was to be a real family and to fight for each other. I will never be able to thank any of you enough, especially you. I love you, Steven Grant Rogers," I declared.

"I love you, Isabella Maria Swan," he announced.

"Come on, let's go get some food in you, soldier," I teased.

After a dinner of lasagna and salad, we all gathered around the living room and had family game night. We played Monopoly, Clue, Headbanz, and Apples to Apples. This was the most fun I have had in a while. Too tired to move, we all just piled on the various couches.

I woke up to the strong scent of coffee. Uncle Tony is probably the one brewing it. I carefully untangled myself from the mass of blankets and walked into the kitchen. Sure enough, Uncle Tony was up sipping on coffee and looking at his tablet.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Good morning to you too. I have a meeting later that Pep is making me go to. I am just reviewing some of the notes," Tony answered.

"Let me take a look." I leaned over his shoulder reading some of the notes.

"Do you understand any of this?" Tony questioned.

"You forget Uncle that I have 3 Ph.D.'s. I actually do understand this, some of it is actually a load of bullshit," I replied.

"It's a good thing you understand this because I need you to join me in this meeting," Tony stated.

"Let me go get ready. When is it?" I inquired.

"In several hours, but it's not here. It is in my Malibu office."

I nodded and went to shower and get ready. Thankfully Tony already ordered some clothes for me, I had the perfect outfit. Black dress pants with a white blouse and a black blazer. I did the basic foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, and mascara. My lipstick, however, was a bright red. For my hair, I simply curled it and let it fall like a waterfall. As soon as I put my red heels on, Tony walked into my room.

"You look beautiful Bella. Here is a tablet for you that has all the information about the meeting on it for you to review on the plane."

"Thank you. Is the outfit too much?" I asked.

"No, it's perfect. You could use some jewelry though. How about some earrings and a necklace?"

"Sounds great. Should I do more red or do some silver?"

"Do these silver hoop earrings and this diamond necklace." Tony put the necklace on for me and handed me the earrings.


We walk into the living room to grab a small snack before heading off to Malibu. Steve was sitting at the counter with a bowl of fruit. He has yet to notice me, so I strutted over to him and grabbed a strawberry out of his bowl. When he looks up at me, his jaw hung open and he stared at me with love in his eyes.

"You look gorgeous Bella," Steve declared.

"Why thank you, Steve. Now share some fruit with me please, Tony and I are about to leave," I replied.

"Where are you going?" Steve inquired while scooting his bowl over.

Popping some blueberries in my mouth I answered, "We're going to Malibu for a meeting."

He nodded his head and let me steal some more fruit. Placing a piece of pineapple in my mouth, Uncle Tony comes in saying Happy is here to take us to the airport. I kissed Steve's cheek and strutted out with Uncle Tony.

AN: I am back. I hope you are doing okay during this time and are staying safe. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. ~Lots of love, Ariel

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