Sabine is Here!

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As soon as Emmy and I got out from the secret place in Guardians Dale, the other girls, the soul riders, Alonzo, SpiritGuardian AND my brother and my sister were ALL gone!
'I swear to god they were here!' I say.
'Who?' Emmy asks.
'Just some people that I know.' I reply to Emmy's question.
'Oh... Ok!' Emmy answered bright fully.
I sigh. Where's SpiritGuardian?
'Where's Spirit?' I ask.
'Oh. Your horse?' Emmy replied.
'Yeah. She always usually sticks around for me. This is unusual.' I answer Emmy.
I whistle. Nothing happens. I call Spirit's name. Nothing happens.
Where's Spirit when you need her?
I sigh again and sit on the muddy ground.
'I don't understand.' I say to myself.
'Why would Spirit leave me?' I continue.
This time, Emmy doesn't answer. Or sit down. Or anything. She's just staring into place.
'S-Sadie... R-run!' Emmy stammers.
'Why Emmy why?' I ask her.
'S-Sabine!' Emmy screams.
'Who's Sabine?' I ask as I stand up.
'JUST RUN!' Emmy screams again as she pushes me away from Guardian's Dale.
I hear a neigh coming from behind me, I turn around and it SpiritGuardian.
'Sadie! We've got to go!' I hear SpiritGuardian say.
'S-Sprit?' I cry.
'Yes Sadie! I know what's happening! You can hear me speak and it's a big change for you. This means that you're the 5th and most strongest soul rider. You have to defeat Garnok as no one else can. Come on Sadie! We have to go!' Sprit explains.
'W-what about Emmy?' I stammer.
'We'll come back for her later!' Spirit answers as I climb onto her back.
Just as I mount onto Spirit, Sabine comes running out of Guardians Dale.
'Well if it isn't Fripp's latest pet!' Sabine cackles.
'You've come a long way since your mum disappeared!' She continues.
'You'll probably never see your friends again!' She stares at me
'How does that make you feel?' Sabine asks.
'It makes me feel Angry that you KIDNAPPED my friends... YOU UGLY, DIRTY, ROTTEN PIECE OF FLESH!' I shout at Sabine, the anger and hurt coming out of my mouth makes me feel good.
'You've grown stronger. But so have I. Here, let me show you!' She smiles ghastly.
She stands still and looks at me dead in the eyes. She casts a Deathly pitch black magical spell at me which hurts so bad.
I scream in pain as Sabine cackles.
'Your wretched horse can't save you, Sadie! I will end you both!' She cackles.

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