Garnok Is in The Hidden Dinosaur.

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Everyone is screaming loudly. It's 5 A.M. in the morning and I'm not sure what's happening. 

'Alonzo?! Alonzo... wake up!!' I whisper-shout.

'What?!' He rubs his eyes.

'People are screaming!' I worry. The screams are getting louder.

'Oh shoot. What's happening now?!' Alonzo opens the tents door while I get dressed.

'Uhm... Sadie, Garnok is here!' He gasps.

'SADIE! COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!' Lisa shouts at me, deafening me because she shouts so loud.

I run over to her...

'What's Happening?' I ask.

'Garnok IS HERE! We need to go... NOW!' All the Soul Riders are on thier horses, everyone is on their horses. Including me.

'We need to stick together. COME ON!' Anne shouted.

We followed the Soul Riders up the slippery steps. And then we left our friends and family. The Soul Riders and I went back down the steps, we need to save the people of Jorvik, because thats what we do!

'Get your wands out... NOW!' Linda ordered.

We all took our wands out, I'm ready now. Really ready. After Darko killed Elizabeth, I've always been this ready, to get my revenge back on the enemies.

'NOW!' Anne said. And then we started shooting spells at Garnok. I'm really scared now. I don't know whats going to happen. Hopefully Garnok will just die.

He's getting weaker by the looks of it, he's struggling and moving about weakly, which is good! 

Finally. He's dead. After 1or 2 hours of working really hard to defeat Garnok... we finally did it!

'Did we... just?!?!' Alex screamed and hugged me.

'Yes, we did! It's the end now, Sadie... we only need to find your parents, and then everything will be back to normal!' Linda blushed.

'Guys... I'll still be a Soul Rider though, won't I?' I ask.

'Yes, you will. You'll always be the 5th Soul Rider, the most important one!' Linda continued.

We all got back on our horses and rode off to our friends... I'm so lucky and happy that Garnok is gone. Now Jorvik just needs to be restored and I just need to find my parents. 

The Battle Between Garnok and Jorvik... An sso series.Where stories live. Discover now