Saving Anne, Part 4.

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'DARKO!' Lisa Growled as I ran to SpiritGuardian and quickly mounted onto him.
'Your friend Anne has been of such a great service in the name of science!' Darko looked evilly at the light pink crystal, the one that Anne was in.
'Thanks to her sacrifice, I am close to unlocking the power of the dark sun!' Darko continued, walking towards the crystal.
'Dark Sun...?' Linda asked.
'Already my assistants are upgrading the gate! Soon Garnok will-' Darko got cut off by Alex casting a spell at him.
'AAAAGH!' Garnok screeched and fell to the ground.
'Thankyou!' Lisa whispered to Alex.
'We're taking Anne home. Leave now or should I turn up the voltage?' Alex asked.
'Take her. She's of no more use to us!' Darko growled.
'But first...' Darko began.
'A parting gift!' He continued.
Darko held up his two hands towards Alex and I, he cast a spell, leading us into another part of Pandoria.
'Alex! Sadie!' I hear Lisa call our names.
* * *

We spawned somewhere in Pandoria.
There was a creature right in front of us. His big, scary eyes staring right into our souls. He was dribbling. He reminded me of something that happened a long time ago when I did a quest. He was Mr Anwir!
Mr Anwir growled at Alex and I. His growl must have deafened me because for a few seconds, I couldn't hear anything.
'It must be some new sort of Pandorian monster!' I hear Alex shout right next to me.
'He's worse than a monster... he's a horse thief!' I reply to Alex.
'Lets light him up!' Alex laughs.
Alex casts a spell at Mr Anwir.
'Looks like Darko put up some sort of defences around his pet. I can't Soul Strike him from here!' Alex frowned.
'One of us has to get in close!' Alex continues, looking at me.
'You're the better rider, Sadie! So it'll have to be you!' Alex says.
I nod my head, even though I don't want to do this... I have to because I want to save Jorvik and save Anne.
'Tin - Can and I will charge you and SpiritGuardian with electrical energy!' Alex explains.
'Ride straight into that monster to deliver a shocking blow to nock him out!' She continues.
Alex stops talking and lets me do the work.
I run into Mr Anwir, once I've done that, I hear him growl even more louder than before.
'Awesome, Sadie! You got him! Take that you monster!' Alex cackles.
Mr Anwir growls again.
'Uh Oh... I think we only made him angrier. He's getting ready to charge! Watch out!' Alex pulls a face.
I ran into Mr Anwir again and I hear him growl again... this time not as loud as before, he must be getting tired.
I do this two more times and finally... he falls to the ground and probably dies!

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