Back to Moorland Stables.

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As soon as we get back to Moorland Stables, I sigh of relief! It's so nice to be back in Moorland Stables after a few days of misery!
I dismount my horse and sneak over to Emmy, who's talking to Ada about something.
I scare Emmy, who doesn't see me sneaking over to her.
'BOOO!' I shout, making Emmy fall to the ground scream loudly!
'Emmy!' I laugh hardly
'It's only me!' I continue, my ribs and my lungs are now hurting because I'm laughing too much.
'SADIE!' Emmy squeals.
'OMG! DON'T DO THAT SADIE!' Emmy continues.
'I-I'm sorry Emmy!' I gasp for air and fall to the ground because I'm still laughing.
Ada looks at Emmy and I, wondering what is going on.
'What's going on girls?' Ada asks.
'Sadie scared me!' Emmy shivered and looked at me evilly.
Ada snickers and then we both laugh... Emmy soon joins in.
'SADIE!' Madison shouts from behind me.
I turn around and look behind me... Madison is looking and smiling at me.
I smile back at her proudly.
'ASHLEY! COME HERE! SADIE'S BACK!' Madison shouts at Ashley.
I hear Ashley scream in delight and then I see him running towards me, he hugs me tightly.
'SADIE!' Ashley screams in my ear.
'Owh! Ashley! Don't scream in my ear!' I smile as Madison joins the hug.
'Oh! Sorry!' He replies.
'It's ok!' I grin.
'What were you going to say?' I ask.
'Ok.. well I was worried sick about you! Why didn't you tell us where you went?! You could have at least told us!' He explains in a panicked voice.
'I didn't have time to... Alonzo and I had a wierd argument...' I got interrupted by Madison.
'Alonzo told us about that argument you had. He told us he was worried about you so much and he didn't want to lose you... it sounds like he has a crush on you!' Madison blushes.
W-What? He doesn't want to lose me? Alonzo doesn't want to lose me?
'Alonzo made the plan to rescue you! So thank him so much when you see him again!' Madison smiled.
'Oh yeah!' Ashley gasped.
'Sadie... Alonzo wants to see you right now!' Ashley continued.
'I'll go get ready!' I smile at Madison and Ashley. I then turn around to say goodbye to Emmy and Ada, they both give me good luck, I thank them and then mount onto my horse and ride off to find Alonzo...

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