Garnok is actually here.

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After Anne's performance, Madison and I went to get everyone some ice cream.
'This is yummy!' Maddy licked some ice cream off of her bottom lip.
'It sure is, sis!' I reply.
'I think we should go home... it's getting late!' I said. It wasn't getting late, I just felt a little wierd and I don't know why.
'Why? It's not late.' Maddy rolled her eyes.
Before I could say anything else, sirens went off. They were really loud.
'SIS?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!' Maddy screamed.
'I'M NOT SURE SIS!' I replied, shouting over the loud blaring sirens that were going off.
'GARNOK IS COMING. I REPEAT, GARNOK IS COMING.' The speaker announces this so loud that everyone might have gone pale.
At this point, everyone was screaming and running in different directions.
'SIS... WE HAVE TO GO... SIS!' Madison's voice cracked because she was crying so hard.
I picked Maddy up and ran to her horse.
'Wait there Maddy!' I shout.
I run back over to my horse, SpiritGuardian, and I gallop over to Madison.
'WE HAVE TO GO! NOW!' My scared sister screams as a raindrop falls from the sky.
'WAIT... WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS?!' I come to a halt.
'DON'T WORRY ABOUT THEM. WE'LL FIND THEM LATER, THEY'LL BE SAFE. DON'T WORRY.' Maddy shouts above the lightning that's crashing down on the wet ground.
We ride through the destroyed land of Jorvik Stables and Jarlehiem (A town near Jorvik Stables) all the way to MistFall... which took us 12 hours.
It's still raining. I can't sleep though. All I'm thinking about is are my lost friends all the way in Jorvik Stables. I hope they're still alive. Please say they are.
'I think we need to rest now, Sadie.' Maddy yawned.
Everything's calming down now. But nothing will stop me from finding my poor Best Friends, Brother and Boyfriend.

The Battle Between Garnok and Jorvik... An sso series.Where stories live. Discover now