Can't Speak

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(All speech for Y/N will be like this as well as for Neo)

Y/N's pov

Tapping my foot impatiently i waited for Professor Ozpin to be finished with whatever he wad doing so i could see him.

Honestly, what could be more important then a student not being able to open their mouth without spewing some purple haze?!

Ozpin: Come in

I let out a sigh, through my nose, and walked in, the elevator doors opened, as i saw Him and Professor Goodwitch in here.

Ozpin: And what can i do for you, Mr L/N?

Taking out my scroll, i typed him a message as he watched me curiously before i showed it to him

Me: I can't talk

Goodwitch: Mr L/N, i would appreciate it if you'd actually tell us the problem

Scowling i deleted the message and stared typing up a new one

Me: I am! If i try to open my mouth this stuff starts coming out!

Ozpin: Could you show us?

Nodding, i put my scroll away before opening my mouth. My throat began to burn as the smoke started to billow out.

It became to much for me, so i closed my my mouth as Professor Goodwitch managed to collect all the smoke with her semblance

Goodwitch: Hmm... this is intriguing, it certainly has a repugnant smell

What the fuck am i supposed to do now!? You can't be a huntsman if you can't communicate!

I berated myself mentally as Professor Ozpin looked to me and sighed

Ozpin: It's possibly your semblance, a cursed one at that

There's... there's no way, that can't be my semblance! After all the training i did to get here!

My own body fucks me over?! Professor Goodwitch dispersed the smoke through a window as she got out her scroll

Ozpin: I am sorry Mr L/N, losing your speech must be difficult

I went to yell at him but i bit my tounge to keep my mouth shut, what the hell do i do now!?

Goodwitch: If you want, you can be signed up to sign language classes but you'll have to do it along with your others

Hanging my head, i balled up my hands into fists, still managing to hold my tounge before nodding. This isn't fair...

Ozpin: Okay then, you should be able to start in a few weeks

I weakly nodded, i can't yell at them or myself or anything... all i can do is type something or move my head

Walking out of his office, i glared at him as the elevator doors closed. Punching the wall i stared at the dent as i wanted to scream.

Drawing back my fist again i slammed it against the wall, further denting it as i let out my anger

The doors opened as i walked out and left the elavator a sparking mess as my fists dripped with blood.

As i walked down the halls i heard hurrying footsteps so i turned to see... Yang...

Yang: Y/N, what happened? You just bailed yesterday

I bit my tounge before Yang noticed the blood on my knuckles and gasped before pulling up my wrists.

Yang: What happened? Did you get into a fight?

Pulling my arms away i turned around and shoved my hands in my pockets before i began to walk away.

However Yang put her hand on my shoulder, both worried and angry but i shoved her hand off me.

Taking out my scroll i typed a message as she watched me, slightly confused

Me: I can't speak anymore, Yang

Yang: Heh, nice joke Y/N

Shaking my head her expression dropped as i put my scroll away, after all i've done for her she won't believe me

Suddenly she pulled me into a hug surprising me, i jumped slightly as she strokes my hair gently

Yang: I-I'm so sorry...

Why... why is she hugging me? I didn't want this... yet i feel slightly at ease. Shaking my head, i pushed her off me as she looked hurt.

Walking away i heard a few stranger sounds from Yang but i ignored it and began to walk out of Beacon


I huffed making a small amount of purple smoke come out which burnt my throat... can i even drink something?

Turning a corner i felt something touch my pocket so i turned and saw a short girl happily walking.

I began walking after her after checking and finding out she stole my scroll. Grabbing her shoulder and turned to me

Her eyes were brown and pink as was her hair and most of her outfit but it had alot of white as well.

I held out my other hand as she tilted her head with an innocent smile... a smile i know all too well

Tapping my throat to gesture i couldn't speak she looked upon me with a new light before she grabbed my hand.

The small girl began dragging me away as i reached behind me and grabbed my gun, she quickly tunred and pointed her umbrella at me.

There was a blade on the end of it making me freeze in place, letting go of my gun she nodded and twirled her umbrella

This girl... is she also mute or just really, really creepy? I mean she's cute... but still kinda creepy

(Lemme know what you think)

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