The Definition of Hurt

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Y/N's pov

I layed there as a nurse checked up on the things i was attached to. They had just redid my bandages but prevent me from seeing my burns.

Nurse: Alright, you're all good. I need you take these though

They showed me some tablets making me look to them with a blank expression, they put them in a glass of water on my bedside table.

Sitting up with some difficulty, they helped me and held the drink to my lips. With a struggle i managed to drink the water, which tasted less then pleasant

When i finished they placed the glass down and walked out the room after turning on the T.V were i saw the Vytal festival was airing.

I... I can at least enjoy it, even if i can't participate in it. Listening to the announcers i saw that my old teachers were announcing it.

If i'm being honest, i never really watched it before. Always busy with other things, chasing up girls skirts... shutting my eyes i let out a sigh through my nose.

Don't think about her, who is she? I don't know, never heard of her before. I... I deserved it any way, i was gonna do things to her and...

Opening my eyes i saw that two teams were already fighting, it was a team from Haven, ABRN, and team RWBY with... Yang...

I began breathing quickly as i saw her, looking to my sides i saw the remote for the T.V, reaching my arm out i felt my body strain against the pain.

Grunting as i did, i couldn't reach the remote although my fingers brushed past the glass so i picked it up with shaky hands.

Using it I managed to catch the end of the remote, my body yelling out for me to stop. Pulling it closer to me i dropped the glass, surprisingly not breaking.

I grabbed the remote as my arms shook and turned off the T.V, easing my arm back down onto my lap i panted slightly.

My mouth was still shut, luckily i'm able to keep it closed... but why, why did all this happen to me? No, it's my fault all this happened.

I took all this... for a person who i barely know. What the hell is wrong with me? Yang... she was right, and what i did for her is just insane.

Maybe i should go to Atlas, like she wanted me to... no, even after all this, i won't become a toy soldier for Ironwood, no matter what.


Some nurses and a doctor were leading me to a room, when we went in i saw it was a bathroom with a bath ready for me.

Doctor: Are you okay with doing this yourself?

I hesitated for a moment before nodding, the morphine had kicked in so i'm in a state where i can move my arms normally.

She sighed and nodded, they helped me over to a seat near the bath and walked out but the doctor stayed behind for a moment.

Doctor: One last thing... unless you're able to see yourself, let me help you bathe

I shook my head making her walk out the room and close the door, i took off the hospital gown and began unwrapping my bandages.

My hands were horrible, miss coloured and twitchy. Like they weren't mine, didn't belong on a human body yet here they are...

Unwrapping the ones around my chest i saw the cuts and burns left by Cinder, opened and sealed by her which i willingly took.

Looking to my forearm i saw one of the many places she stabbed, the wound was opened and closed at the same time, sealed around her sword.

There were bandages on my legs which were difficult to see, large cuts which dug into the skin around the back of my ankle and burnt thighs.

Lastly was the one on my face, taking a deep breath i began unwrapping it. Leaning over the bath i saw my face...

The skin had been scarred and burnt all the way from my left collar bone to my forehead, the skin was sunken but my eye...

The pupil was barely visible, a white which blended into the slecera... no wonder why it's hard to see out of it.

Climbing into the bath a let out a groan, with my mouth closed, and tried to relax into the bath as the water felt weird on my skin.

This... this is my life now, it can get no better for me. And all this is my fault, for taking the punishment for Neo...

Yang's pov

I stepped into the bathroom and walked to the mirror as i let out a sigh. This was for the best, just everything will be fine.

Looking into the mirror i forced a smile but felt something run down my cheek, wiping it confused i looked to the mirror.

I'm crying... why am i crying? I don't need to be sad, it's for the best. Slumping down into my knees i covered my mouth.

I don't want him to leave, why did i tell him that? Please... wait for me Y/N..

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now