When Two Reunite

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3rd person pov

Clangs rang out from the backyard as Ruby walked towards it carefully, she pushed yhe door open not knowing what to expect when seeing it.

What she was was Oscar training with Y/N, he was easily blocking strikes from the younger boys cane with his sword, a moment later he swept his feet.

Oscar fell on his back before Y/N pinned his arms down and pointed the tip of his weapon at Oscar's throat making him look at it in fear.

A few seconds later Oscar flashed green, indicating that Ozpin took control and he planted his feet into Y/N's stomach knocking him back.

Ozpin shot and grabbed his cane before twirling it around and pointing it at Y/N, he ran at the teen and thrsuted his cane which Y/N blocked.

When Y/N went to attack he dodged under it and rolled around his side before jabbing at his back numerous times.

This threw Y/N back and he crashed a few metres away creating a large cloud of dirt. Gun shots rang out from there which Ozpin easily deflected however one hit him from behind.

A few more bullets came out which had a purple ring around the casing, Ozpin went to deflect them but they dodged around his cane making him flip backwards to avoid them.

The dirt cloud cleared revealing Y/N with a glove that glowed purple, he fired again and used hand movements to control the trajectory of the bullets.

Ozpin dodged past it although it curved and chases after him, he ran forward before sliding under it making the bullet fly towards Ruby.

She "eeped" and covered her face however Y/N quickly changed it's trajectory so it hit the wall beside her as he let out a sigh and turned the glove off.

Ozpin: Well Mr L/N, you certainly had me on the ropes with those gravity dust bullets.

Y/N: Yeah... What are you doing here Ruby?

She avoided their gaze as fiddled with her hands, Ozpin gave Oscar back control before he held the parr of his back where the bullet hit and winced in pain.

Ruby: I heard sounds coming from here and... i wanted to see what it was

Y/N: Well next time make sure you don't get shot

Ruby: Uh right... also, foods almost done

Oscar: That's good, can i get an ice pack though?

Y/N: If you need an ice pack everytime you get shot then go live in Atlas

Y/N holstered his weapon and walked into the house, a bored look on his face. The others followed as Ruby hurried into the Kitchen.

Qrow: I'm back!

Ruby: Be right there!

Y/N's pov

Ruby began working on whatever was in the pan when Qrow called out again, she picked up a tray and walked into the living room.

A few moments later i heard glass break so i walked in and looked at Ruby after seeing she had dropped the tray, causing the cups and teapot to shatter

Y/N: Ruby, why'd you drop it?

She looked nervous when i heard footsteps so i turned to see Qrow, Weiss and... Yang. How is she here? And her arm... Ruby was telling the truth

Ruby: Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I-I should've stayed, and i should've talked to you more! A-And, i just, i wasn't sure if you wanted more around and-

Yang came over and hugged Ruby, shutting her up. I turned away and sighed before walking back out into the back garden.

She's here... what do i do? I can't act as if i don't know her, I mean there's no way she recognizes me but still this is just crazy.

I thought i would have more time to formulate what i wanted to say or do, she probably wouldn't want to see me anyway...

I mean she left me anyway do should just ignore her, if she asks who i am i'll just call myself by another name... yeah, cause that'll work.

The others all know who i am and knowing them they'll probably let it slip who i am anyway. Sighing i stood up snd cracked my neck.

No time like the present, i guess. I walked back into the house to see Weiss, Ruby and Yang parting from a hug as JNR and Qrow watched on.

Yang: So who was that guy from earlier?

Ruby: Oh that's-

Me: Not important

They looked to me with different expressions, Ruby was confused at why i wouldn't share who i am and Yang was just confused.

Yang: I'm Yang

Me: ...Y/N

Guess she deserves to know my name at least, she probably won't figure it out since the Y/N she knew couldn't talk

Yang: Huh... nice to meet you

Me: Yeah

Nora: Y/N, why aren't you happy to see her again?

Yang: Again?

God damnit! I knew this would happen, especially with Nora!

Me: Ignore her, i-

Yang seemed to pick up on it so she quickly hugged me... why is she doing this? She left me, so why would she care about me like this?

I heard her sniffle making me freeze. Slowly i hugged her back as she others watched... i don't want to admit it, but i missed her so much

Yang: I'm so sorry... Y/N

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now