A Grimm Secret

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3rd person pov

Cinder walked back into Ms. Malachite's bar as she held her hands above the table, now brandishing a prosthetic hand.

Ms.Malachite: You know, it's not often that one customer brings me double the business

She looked up as Neo stepped out from the shadows, holding her umbrella on her shoulders as she rested her hands on it.

A glare adorned her face upon seeing Cinder, said maiden took a step back as her eye widened

Cinder: Neo?

She lowered her umbrella before hopping down onto a table, Neo twirled her umbrella and pointed it at Cinder as her expression changed to a glare.

Y/N's pov

Waking up i felt a faint weight on my shoulder, looking to me left i saw Yang leaning on me making me smile slightly

I turned my gaze around the room as i saw the others sleeping apart from Ruby and Qrow who were missing for some reason.

As i gently grabbed onto Yang's shoulders i lead her onto the sofa as i moved off, laying her down i let go of her as she stayed asleep luckily.

Moving past her i peaked my hesd through the door frame and saw Ruby shaking something so i stepped through the door frame and saw her and an asleep Qrow.

He had bottles around him making it obvious he got drunk, no, shit faced. Ruby got fed up with him not waking up and grabbed a bottle.

Rushing over i grabbed her wrist making her jump and turn around, she dropped the bottle so i quickly crouched and caught it before it smashed on the floor.

Me: Don't

Ruby: He's-

Me: Obviously going through something, making him feel even worse isn't going to help him.

She relented and lowered her arms as i placed the bottle down and stood back up, stretching my arms slightly.

Ruby:... What do we do now?

Me: No clue. But regarding Qrow, you heard what he said to Ozpin so be careful with him. He just needs time, show him you care, okay?

She nodded in acknowledgement, i sighed before grabbing Qrow by the collar amd shaking him a bit.

He snorted and stumbled over his words upon the suddenness of it all as i let go. He held his head and groaned before looking to us.

Qrow: Wha- Ohh... my head.

Me: We gotta move asap, okay?

Qrow: Yeah yeah. Just give me a moment

He sat up while still holding his head as i stepped away, Ruby said something i couldn't make out to Qrow when i walked into the living room.

I saw the others slowly wake up as i yawned. I'm still tired, maybe we can stay here another day. Yang sat up and looked to me as she surpressed a yawn.

Going over to her i sat beside her, feeling my eyes become heavy again. Ruby came in and dragged us all to our feetd apart from Maria.

We stepped outside and looked to see the wagon they found the other day, i rubbed my eyes and rubbed my head through the bandages.

Me: We should attach it to Yang's bike

Yang: Do you want to do it?

Me: ...No

Looking down i realised that i was missing the relic from my belt, moving my head up i saw that Ruby had taken it.

I heard something pop so i turned in the direction of the sound to see Qrow had kicked the wagon and one of the tires had deflated

Maria: You're all just beacons for bad luck

Qrow growled and walked away before sitting in the snow making Ruby adopt a worried look, i sighed and pinched myself to try and wake myself up properly.

Me: There's gotta be a pump around here, we can use that to refill the air in it. I'll go find it, Oscar will fill it up

Oscar: Why me?

Me: Because you've been lugging around a man who was going to kill us all with his asinine plan in your head

He shut up so i walked towards i shed i saw in the distance, the doors were open so i assumed this is where they got the wagon.

Going inside i looked around and saw a tractor, near it was an air pump. I grabbed a handle and began dragging it out, leaving everything else behind.

I huffed as i pulled it until reaching the wagon where i saw only Oscar and Maria outside for some reason.

Me: Where's the others?

Maria: Qrow went inside and the girls are...

Her "eyes" widened before she dropped the book she had and rushed away, i looked to Oscar as he looked to me and shrugged.

Bringing the air pump over to him he began attaching it as it turned on and began filling the flat tire with air.

Me: Sorry about what i said, i know you don't like this anymore then i do. I'm just tired

Oscar: Yeah, me too... and i know. I can see where your distrust of Ozpin was coming from

Nodding i looked to the tire as it was being filled up, sitting on the steps i yawned and leaned against something.

Me: You don't want this, do you?

Oscar: I mean... i've always wanted to be a Huntsman and help people, just not like this. I want to do it of my own accord, not be dragged into it because i've fused my soul with anothers

Me: I wanted to be a Huntsman. Truthfully i was a horrible person, thinking i was above others and taking advantage of them. Then my semblance manifested and my whole world changed

Oscar: Was it Cinder who did this to you?

He gestured to the bandages making me lower my head

Me: Yeah, i willing took all this in place of another though

Suddenly there was a brief flash of sliver making me cover my eyes, i lowered my arms and heard something break before the others rushed out.

There was a crackle i heard as fire slowly made it's way through the house. My eyes widened before i unhooked the air pump and closed the air tube.

They hopped onto the wagon as i did the same before Yang drove off. I watched as the farm house was slowly engulfed in fire while it disappeared until i couldn't see it anymore

Me: What happened?

Weiss: There were Grimm under the house

Me: Oh...

Maria brought out a book and opened it on a page before she began reading.

Maria: "Tensions are high as they recent storm ruined a majority of the crops, so i managed to wrangle a Grimm that should be able to calm everyone down. The one Grimm attracted others so i need to tell the others about it but i'll do it tomorrow... I'm Tired"

We all sat in silence as Yang drove us, suddenly Ruby's scroll began to ring as she looked at it in shock, she answered it and held it up to her ear

Ruby: Jaune?!

Jaune: Ruby thank oum you picked up! We've been calling you guys since we got to Argus

Ruby: You made it there? That's a relief, look we'll be there soon

She hung up and put her scroll away as Yang stopped driving.

Yang: Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you... Argus

We looked over the cliff to see a giant wall that cut off a bit of the coast. Smiling, Yang drove forward as i felt a sense of... relief

We're safe for now but who knows what we'll do next. I watched the trees pass by as Yang drove making me smile slightly. I should find Neo...

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now