The Sad Truth

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Yang's pov

Ozpin: I'm so sorry you all had to go through that

Me: Actually... Y/N was the only one who was hurt

Ozpin: I see...

When we had been freed she had escaped for some reason. I can't believe Y/N was working with her... but maybe he didn't know who she actually was.

I haven't been able to see him, he's been admitted to a hospital but... God knows he needs it.

Goodwitch: Regardless, he won't be needed to wear the ankle bracelet anymore

Me: Why, doesn't he still have a punishment?

Ozpin: Well, it'd be wrong for us to keep him here if he was no longer attending

Me: That's-

Ozpin: He can't be a Huntsman like that


Y/N's pov

How long have i been here, a few seconds, minutes, hours? It's hard to tell with these bandages on my face... and everywhere else.

I heard footsteps come closer and someone started unwrapping the bandages around my right eye, when i could see i saw it was a nurse...

Nurse: How are you doing Mr L/N?

I stared at her blankly before she checked her scroll and made a face of realisation as she nervously chuckled

Nurse: Right... You can't talk

Managing to nod my head with a bit of pain, she began checking all the things i was connected to such as I.V drip, heart moniter and what not.

I wonder how Yang and Neo are doing, sadly i passed out a bit after we were found so i'm not sure what state they're in...

There was a knock at the door which made the nurse go over, opening the door I saw Professor Ozpin, Goodwitch, General Ironwood? And Yang...

She's safe, that's a relief... they came over and Yang sat beside me with a look of guilt on her face

Ozpin: Mr L/N, I'm glad to see you're awake so soon, the estimated time was 5 months.

What does he mean five months? I only passed out...

Yang: Y/N... you were in a coma for two weeks...

Two weeks? That's impossible... There's no way, this much be some bad joke or something... that means the Vytal festival is tomorrow

Goodwitch: I'm sure you'll be glad to know that Torchwick is behind bars

Ironwood: Yes, he's been placed on the Atlas airship to be judged for his crimes when the Vytal festival is over

Torchwick... Neo works for him, does she still though? Looking to Yang it was as if she knew what i was thinking and nodded

Yang's pov

*flashback start*

Running through the train carts with Blake and Ruby we stopped to see Neo, they readied their weapons but i held my arm out in front of them

Me: I'll take care of her...

They nodded and ran past her, readying Ember Celica she smirked and placed her umbrella on her shoudler

Me: After what Y/N went through for you... you just ran away

She stopped smirking as her expression dropped into a frown

Me: He's in a coma now, he can never be a huntsman! All his dreams to do anything normal have been ruined, just because he wanted to help you!

*flashback end*

From the visible part of his face i could see shock on his face... i don't know why he did all this for her

Me: Y/N... why help her?

He looked down so i took out my scroll and gestured for him to use it, Y/N went to grab it but when he let out a pained sound, still having his mouth closed.

Me: O-Oh my god, Y/N i'm sorry! I didn't...

Y/N shook his head slightly as he placed hsi hand back to were it was before he smiled at me, it was forced... he's trying to make me feel better...

Ozpin: I'm sorry to say this Y/N... but when you're able to i need you to leave Beacon

Looking to Y/N i saw hid expression drop as he looked at his bandaged arms, the rest of him was hidden by the covers but... how much more is there?

Ozpin: You can't be a Huntsman anymore

They all left the room apart from General Ironwood who approached us, arms still behind his back.

Ironwood: I know what Ozpin said... but i'm here to offer you an alternative

Y/N looked up to him confused

Me: What do you mean?

Ironwood: I'm saying that if you transfer to Atlas, we can help you with your wounds. Give it some time... Cadet L/N

He walked out the room as we looked at him in shock. Is he serious? Y/N can become a huntsman!?

Looking to Y/N i saw that he looked happy but his expression quickly changed to a frown as he hung his head

Oh... he'd have to go to Atlas... and i'd still be here, in Vale...

Me: Y/N... look on the brightside, you'd get to be a Huntsman again

He shook his head and with a look of pain on his face he placed his hand atop mine before he breathed deeply

Me: You don't have to stay because of me...

He won't leave me but... what if he hated me? Then he'd want to leave right? I... i have to drive him away

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now