The Strange Effects

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Y/N's pov

I sat beside Yang as she layed in a bed, there was a doctor who had attached a breather to her.

Doctor: There's a minor amount of a toxic gas that had invaded her respiratory system but was enough to cut off her airways

I looked to him in shock but he patted my shoulder

Doctor: Don't worry, we were able to clear them up

Smiling i let out a sigh of relief but i quickly slapped my hand over my mouth as a bit of the purple haze wafted from behind my hand.

The doctor didn't see which made me relieved although the burning sensation in my throat distracted me from that.

My stomach let out a slight growl making me panic, am i able to eat? Can i use a straw to have soup or what?

Sighing through my nose, the doctor looked to me when he finished dealing with Yang.

Doctor: She should be conscious in a few hours, if she has any other problems call us

Nodding, he walked out the room as i looked to Yang. This is what my semblance does?

If i kiss another person, actually kiss them unlike what Yang did, then they'll die... why?

Why dovi have to go through this...?! I don't deserve this, all i did was hurt them... manipulated people...

Made them think they were special, only to throw them away like trash because they didn't serve a purpose

Actually... this could be my fault, some kind of fate made it so i could only hurt, both myself and others.

If that's how it is, then this isn't a life i want to live... semblances are forever and i can't turn it off.

Reaching behind me i grabbed my gun and took it out, laying my eye upon it, I ran my finger along it as a faint smile came to my lips.

All this confidence, this bravado was taken away one night leaving me, an empty husk of who i used to be.

Pulling back the hammer on my gun, i began raising it slowly before something slipped out from the barrel.

Picking it up I saw it was a rolled up sticky note so i unrolled it, on it waa some writing.

"Dear Y/N
I took your ammo when we were walking to your dorm
Please don't be mad at me and don't give up
Yours, Neo"

Letting out a sigh through my nose, i dropped the note before placing my gun down and buried my face in my hands.

Can't even die if i wanted to. Getting up, i let my hands fall to my side before i went out my dorm.

Walking through the halls, i passed people by as they chatted happily. They take their ability to speak for granted.

Not being able to express your opinion, tell others how you feel or call out for help. How do others live like this?

How does Neo live like this? Shaking my head i walked into the cafeteria as people sat around, chatted and ate their food.

Going into the line, i waited for a bit before i grabbed food, hoping i would be able to eat it.

Walking away I felt a tap on my shoulder so i turned to see Cardin and his team... what do these lot want?

Cardin: So, Y/N, i see you've been hanging around Yang

Raising an eyebrow he smirked and folded his arms.

Cardin: I'm sure you've noticed but she's got a good body. So get me pictures or i'll be telling her about your "actions"

The fuck is he talking about, i didn't do anything and is he seriously trying to blackmail me?

Cardin: We-

Before he could finish his sentence i let my food fall to the floor and smacked him with the tray.

Cardin stumbled back, holding his face as i saw the tray had a dent in it. His teammates quickly rushed at me making me glare at them.

Dove tried to tackle me but i side stepped him and hit him in the stomach before slamming it down on his head.

Sky threw a punch at me which hit my side, i nearly let out a gasp but instead i spun and hit him upside the chin.

Russel landed a kick on my back making me stumble towards a table however i planted my foot on it and boosted myself up.

He missed a swing so i landed behind him and broke the tray over his head, taking the pieces I smacked them on both sides if his head before kicking him into the table.

Suddenly i was tackled to the ground, making me drop the tray pieces and Cardin loomed over me before balling his hands into fists and raising them above his head.

Having so other option i blew in his face, the purple haze came out and washed across him as he began coughing.

He fell back and gripped his throat tightly as he coughed violently, getting up i watched the others run to him before my movement was restricted.

Hearing heels clacking against the floor i moved my gaze up to see Professor Goodwitch... fuck

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now