The Return

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(I'm back... gonna end this soon possibly)

Y/N's pov

We landed after being ordered to by the Atlas military, us melting a mech and nearly letting Argus get destroyed might have contributed to it.

Stepping out the airship, we were greeted by a legion of robots... fuck. They moved out the way and after a moment Ironwood stepped out

Ironwood: Qrow, may i ask why you came to Atlas aboard a reportedly stolen airship?

Qrow: Well we needed to get something to you

Ironwood: And that is?

Qrow: Get your bots to stand down first

Ironwood: I think they'll stay. Now tell me what it is or you'll be arrested for destruction of Atlas property and theft

?: Is it him again?

A woman stepped out who had H/C hair and blue eyes, i looked to her in surprise before turning my gaze away.

Ironwood: It is

Qrow: Fine then. We have the relic from Haven

Ironwood:... You're all dismissed

Mom: But-

Ironwood: Leave!

She took a moment before sighing, turning around and walking away with the robots. I watched her walk away with some hesitation,

I know why she can't recognize me but it kind of hurts. I sighed before we began following Ironwood

Ironwood: Has Ozpin not appeared yet?

Oscar: He has... or should i say, i have

Ironwood: He's reincarnated as you then... can i speak to him?

Qrow: About that


We sat around his office while Ironwood took in the information we gave him, he stared out the window before turning around as he sighed.

Ironwood: So, what do we do now?

Me: Seal the relic away maybe...

Ironwood: And how would you suggest we do that?

Me: Put it in one of the other Vaults

Qrow: That's the best thing we can do, there aren't many other options

Ironwood: I see... and how would you propose we go about doing that? We have no maidens and no knowledge of any maidens

Hesitating to tell them about Cinder i sighed, getting out my seat and walking towards the door.

Yang: Were are you going?

Me: I just need some fresh air

Stepping out his office i walked down the halls, giving occasional glances to the guards that i passed by.

?: Quit it!

I looked in the direction of the sound and walked towards it, my curiousity getting the better of me.

Turning a corner i saw two Atlas recruits pulling on a cat faunas' tail. She yelped in pain, weakened from their grasp so i sighed.

Me: She told you to stop

They looked to me before laughing at my appearance, they pulled on her tail again before letting her go making her fall to her knees.

?: Who do you think you are to tell us anything?

They approached me, acting all smug. This is why i hate Atlas, quickly drawing my pistol i aimed it at one of their heads.

Me: Someone who has a gun and plenty of reasons to shoot you. Now apologise

The pair began backing up before i gestured to the cat faunas, they apologised before running away.

I sighed before putting my gun away, offering a hand to her she took it hesitantly, allowing me to pull her up

Me: You okay?

?: Yeah, thanks for that. I'm Neon Katt...

Me: Y/N L/N

Neon: Hang on, L/N? As in professor L/N? She's like, the strictest teacher here

Me: Well, we don't choose our parents

She nodded as we began walking, i think the regular Atlas outift isn't comfortable for her, it looks way too big on her.

Neon: So Mr. Mummy man, how come i haven't seen you around?

Me: Well, i left Atlas before i was conscripted and went to Beacon

Neon: Then how come you weren't around Beacon when i went there?

Me: I was in hospital... for this

I raised my arm and gestured to the bandages, she sucked in air through her teeth as she realised it wasn't just for show

Neon: Oh, sorry about the jokes...

Me: It's fine. I've gotten used to seeing this, plus i've got someone to help me get through all this

Neon: Who's the lucky girl? Or guy, i'm not judging

Me: Her name's Yang

She looked to me in slight surprise when i mentioned Yang's name.

Neon: Around yeigh high, looks like she's wearing extensions, top heavy?

Me:... Yeah, sounds about right

Neon: Couldn't you have found someone more... i dunno, girly?

Me: I'm fine with her. Even if i wasn't, no one else would want this

I peeled off the bandages on my face to show my burns, she had the same reaction as before although quickly cleared her throat to cover it up.

?: What are you doing here?

Turning my head i saw Mom... she had her hand over her weapon so i went to put my bandages back over my face although she drew her weapon and pointed at me

Mom: Explain yourself, Recruit Katt, come over here

Neon: Professor, i don't think this is what you think this is

Mom: I think he's suspicious and needs to explain his intentions here

Neon: He's your son Professor

Mom:... If this is my son, then the moon is made from cheese

Neon: He told me his name, Y/N L/N. Tell her, Y/N

I slowly raised my hand to cover my mouth with the bandages.

Me: It's true, your maiden name is Cordovin

She hesitated, not wanting to believe that i was her son which... is understandable, although it hurt

Mom: Y/N... this is what happens when you ignore your parents advice

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now