A Strange Explanation

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Y/N's pov

Reaching into my pocket, i pulled out my scroll and quickly typed a messge before showing it to Yang

Me: I've lost the ability to speak remember? So give me a moment

She nodded impatiently and began tapping her foot. Looking to Neo, she was still happily clung to my arm.

I gave her a nudge making her roll her eyes and reach towards my back, smacking her hand away as she touched my gun.

Neo pouted before letting go of me and taking put her own scroll before typing something on it.

Neo: I found Y/N the other day, he was depressed to i took him back to mine and offered him sigh language lessons. He fell asleep around mine, and now we're going for a walk

Yang: Then why are you holding him and not talking?

Neo: I like clinging to things and i'm mute too

Yang stood there for a moment before crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow

Yang: And you expect me to believe that?

Neo: It's the truth

I nodded making Yang sigh, she walked over to me before pulling me into a hug making my eyes widen in surprise.

Yang: Don't just disappear again, you had me so worried

I'm done with Yang, i don't need her any more. Just push her off you... i just nodded and patted her back.

We parted and she leaned in to give me a kiss but Neo pulled me back while pouting making Yang glare at her.

Yang: Let's go back to Beacon Y/N

Neo grabbed my arm and pulled me to her as she stuck her tounge out, Yang grabbed my other arm and tried pulling me towards her.

Yang: Hey! He's my boyfriend

Neo: He's mine now

Looking to Ruby for help she shrugged her shoulders before walking off, munching on a cookie happily...

Yang growled at Neo? She properly pulled me over to her which made Neo pout, i've never had girls fight over... this sucks

Neo pushed Yang off me before they stared ecahother down, Neo had a smirk while Yang was glaring at her.

Before they could do anything i grabbed my gun and fired it in the air making them jump, turning to me i shook my head and put my gun away before taking out my scroll

Me: You two need to stop, don't fight eachother because of me

Why am i doing this? Stopping them from fighting, i didn't care before about the girls hurting themselves...

I was going to throw Yang to the side when i was done with her, but then that night happened and she still cares...

All i want to do is tell them to leave, throw them away like i've done to say many others before.

But i can't, i can't tell them anything i want, my body moves against my will and sends them messages i don't want to send...

Yang: Then tell her to leave Y/N

Neo: No, Tell her to leave

Fuck it, i'll just leave. Turning around i went to walk off but my shoulders were grabbed by two different hands.

Looking behind me i saw Neo and Yang who tightened their grip on my shoulders with different expressions

I'm going to die out here, aren't i?


We made it back to Beacon and Yang quickly pushed open my door before dragging us inside.

She shut the door and looked to us while tapping her foot rapidly although Neo was just sitting there without a care.

Yang: Stop following us

Neo shook her head making Yang growl, what am i going to do? If i leave them alone they'll fight and if i don't... well they won't let me.

Glancing to Neo i sighed through my nose before walking over to her and using some basic sign which Yang couldn't see

Me: I See You Again

She looked to me and frowned slightly before sighing, she took something out her pocket and gave it to me before leaving.

Watching her go, i looked to the object to see it was a scroll? Turning it on there was only one contact which was Neo...

Yang: What did you do to get her to leave?

Turning to Yang i used the scroll the type a message for her to read

Me: I just reminded her she'll still be seeing me for my sign language lessons

Yang: *sigh* Do you have to go?

Me: If i don't want to be able to "speak" again

Yang: Fine, just be careful alright?

Me: There isn't much she can do

She raised her eyebrow before shaking her head and walking over and hugging me once again.

Yang looked to me before planting a kiss on my lips making her eyes widen in panic, she stepped back and held her throat in pain.

Looking to her confused she coughed which made the purple haze come out. In a quick second she fell over

Oh god... what the hell just happened!?

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now