A New "Friend"

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Y/N's pov

After a while, the small girl dragged me to a warehouse. She turned to me and smiled as i had a blank expression.

She's gonna harvest my organs or something, isn't she? A moment later, she pulled me inside as i stared at the insides in shock.

There was a ton of Dust stored here... is this where it's all been going!? This small girl has been taking it all!?

?: Neo, you're finally back!

Is that her name, and who's the guy? I went to leave but Neo grabbed my hand tightly making me wince.

The guy walked out from a room making my jaw drop, that's Roman fucking Torchwick!

Roman: Who's this?

She just smiled and pulled me closer to her making Roman chuckle

Roman: Sorry you got dragged in kid... Oh, don't tell anyone if you want to live

He waved before walking away, glancing to Neo i saw she was looking up to me with a sweet smile.

Quickly she began dragging me into a room as i nearly opened my mouth, she shut the door and turned to me.

She started moving her arms and hands around and spoke sign language, i shook my head making her tilt hers

Taking out my scroll i typed on it quickly before showing her

Me: I can't speak sign

She let out a silent sigh before taking out and typing on her scroll

Neo: That's disappointing

Me: I only recently lost my ability to speak

Neo: Oh, how'd that happen?

Me: I don't think that's any of your business

She pouted making me sigh through my nose and writing on my scroll

Me: My semblance, okay?

Neo tilted her head before typing back

Neo: It prevents you from speaking?

Me: From opening my mouth

She gasped slightly as i frowned, will i ever be able to eat solid foods again? Do i have to eat and drink through a straw?

Neo scooted over to me and patted my back sympatheticly. What's with her anyway, is she only interested because we're both mute?

Neo: If you want, i could teach you sign

Me: But why? Why me?

Neo: You're pretty cute

I must have gotten that compliment a hundred times but... with her it feels different.

Is it because i'm desperate now? Because i can't use my words to sway her over...?

Shaking my head i tried to get up but Neo pulled me back down with a small smile so i began typing again

Me: Could you not?

She shook her head before getting up, i went to do the same but she pushed my back down and walked out the room.

Neo locked the door making me pale, i got up and pulled out my gun before firing at the lock.

Sadly, it did nothing as she bullets let out a "twang" when they hit the door and flattened.

What the hell is this door made of? Going to her bed i sat down and buried my face in my hands.

After a minute a slot in the door opened and a tray of food and a book was pushed in.

Going over i saw the book was called "Sign language for the mentally inept" making me glare at it.

I grabbed the tray of food and placed it down before tapping my foot as i looked at the book.

Signing i grabbed the book before opening it, so i'm stuck in this room until she comes back... this is kidnapping


Tapping my foot, the door finally opened as i looked to see Neo who looked happy as she twirled her umbrella around.

She looked to me before i tried talking the bit of sign i learnt to her

Me: Took you long

Neo smiled before coming over and sitting beside me before taking out her scroll

Neo: You're doing well but don't do it if it's too hard

I nodded before taking out my scroll

Me: So... can i leave?

Neo: Not exactly, you can go out but have to come back

Me: But i go to Beacon

She frowned before coming over to me and sitting on my lap, i watched her curiously before she pushed me down and layed on me.

I looked down to her as she smiled sweetly and glanced up to me... she looks cute like that

Sighing through my nose i relented and allowed her to lay atop of me, she rested her head on my chest as i heard her breathe softly

Is this what i'm restrained to...? No, i'll leave, once she's asleep i'll get back to Beacon and tell everyone about this

I'll be able to do that right? Or won't i be able to, are there guards around this place? I would assume since there is a literal tonne of dust here.

She began snoring slightly and i looked down to her... how can i escape without waking her up?

(Lemme know what you think)

Beautiful Outsides, Toxic Insides: Neo x Male Reader X Yang {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now